TOC Language and Cognition Volume 1/Issue 2

Julia.Ulrich at Julia.Ulrich at
Wed Dec 9 16:55:18 UTC 2009

Language and Cognition Volume 1/Issue 2 is now available.


Syntactic probabilities affect pronunciation variation in spontaneous speech

Harry Tily, Susanne Gahl, Inbal Arnon, Neal Snider, Anubha Kothari, Joan Bresnan


Causers in English, Korean, and Chinese and the individuation of events

Phillip Wolff, Ga-hyun Jeon, Yu Li


Correlation versus prediction in children's word learning: Cross-linguistic evidence and simulations

Eliana Colunga, Linda B. Smith, Michael Gasser


Toward a theory of semantic representation

Gabriella Vigliocco, Lotte Meteyard, Mark Andrews, Stavroula Kousta


The sensory-motor theory of semantics: Evidence from functional imaging

Uta Noppeney




Contents Volume 1 (2009)


For free abstracts, please visit


For more information on the journal and for free online access to Volume 1/Issue 1, please visit




Julia Ulrich
Product Manager



Genthiner Str. 13

10785 Berlin, Germany


T +49 (0)30.260 05-173

F +49 (0)30.260 05-322

julia.ulrich at <mailto:vorname.nachname at> <>  


Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG. Genthiner Str. 13. 10785 Berlin.

Sitz Berlin. Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HR A 2065. Rechtsform: Kommanditgesellschaft.

Komplementär: de Gruyter Verlagsbeteiligungs GmbH, Sitz Berlin, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HR B 46487.

Geschäftsführer: Dr. Sven Fund

Beiratsvorsitzender: Dr. Bernd Balzereit


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