call for papers: Current Trends in Grammaticalization Research

Muriel Norde m.norde at
Sun Feb 8 12:10:20 UTC 2009

** apologies for cross-postings **

*Current Trends in Grammaticalization Research: first circular*

University of Groningen, October 8-9, 2009

/Call for papers/

The study of grammaticalization and related phenomena continues to be a 
thriving branch of historical linguistics. Where the 1990s and the 
beginning of the 21^st century witnessed a special interest in 
definitional issues, recent theorizing has been focusing on a synthesis 
of grammaticalization studies and other disciplines, such as 
psycholinguistics, contact linguistics, and Construction Grammar. These 
novel perspectives, along with an increasing body of data (including 
work from non-Indo-European languages), provoke new and interesting 
questions about the very nature of grammaticalization, 
degrammaticalization, and lexicalization.

This two-day workshop aims to bring together theoretical and empirical 
approaches to grammaticalization, degrammaticalization, and 
lexicalization, and we therefore welcome both theoretical and 
data-oriented submissions. Topics include (but are not restricted to):

- the grammaticalization-lexicalization interface

- the status of pragmaticalization

- contact-induced grammaticalization

- psycholinguistic approaches to directional tendencies

- grammaticalization, degrammaticalization, and lexicalization within a 
constructional framework

/Plenary speakers/

We are pleased to announce the following plenary speakers:

- Nikolaus Himmelmann, University of Münster

- Tania Kuteva, University of Düsseldorf

- Graeme Trousdale, University of Edinburgh

- Jacqueline Visconti, University of Genova



We invite abstracts for 30-minute papers (including ten minutes 
discussion time). Abstracts should not exceed a maximum of 400 words, 
including references. Please note that the deadline for abstract 
submission is *April 15, 2009*. Notification of acceptance will be sent 
out by May 15, 2009. For details about abstract submission please visit 
our website (see url below).


Early registration (until July 1, 2009) is 75 Euro. Late or on-site 
registration will be 100 Euro. Early registration for (graduate) 
students is 45 euro, late registration 60 euro. Please bring some kind 
of identification to prove that you are a student. The fee includes the 
workshop package, reception, coffee, tea, and lunches. The workshop 
dinner will have to be paid for separately. More information about 
payment (bank transfer only) will be posted on our website as soon as 


The workshop will be held at the University of Groningen. The city of 
Groningen is situated in the North of the Netherlands and is easily 
accessible by train (with direct trains to and from Schiphol Airport 
running every hour). The University's Faculty of Arts is conveniently 
located in the city centre, with all main attractions within walking 
distance. Please visit our website (see URL below) for information about 
travel and accommodation.


The workshop is organized by Karin Beijering, Alexandra Lenz, and Muriel 

Workshop e-mail: grammaticalization at 
<mailto:grammaticalization at>

Workshop URL:

Abstract submission address:




Prof. dr. Muriel Norde
Scandinavian Languages and Cultures
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 716
9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands

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