linguistic axioms (Phonology)

lesleyne at lesleyne at
Sun Jan 4 23:40:33 UTC 2009

Shannon also might be interested in the workshop that will be held at this phonology conference:

Sixth Old World Conference in Phonology

22-24 JANUARY 2009
Deadline for abstracts: 15th September 2008

Invited speakers:
B. Elan Dresher (University of Toronto)
Jennifer Hay (University of Canterbury)
Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut & Leiden University)

The conference will be preceded by a workshop on subsegmental phonology on 21st January, organised by Bert Botma (Leiden) and Patrick Honeybone (Edinburgh), with the title "the Privative Project: is it still worth pursuing?" Those attending the conference will be very welcome to attend the workshop, too. (Further details of the workshop are to follow.)

Conference website:

OCP homepage:



The department of Linguistics and English Language at the University of Edinburgh is proud to announce that the sixth Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP6) will take place in Edinburgh from 22nd to 24th January 2009. OCP6 is organised by a group of phonologists 
at Edinburgh, and it follows in the line of previous OCP conferences, which have been held in Leiden, Tromsø, Budapest, Rhodes and Toulouse. Abstracts for consideration for presentation as either talks or poster papers at the conference are now invited.

The conference will be preceded by a semi-separate workshop entitled "the Privative Project: is it still worth pursuing?" This workshop is organised by Bert Botma (Leiden) and Patrick Honeybone (Edinburgh) and further details will be available soon. Abstracts addressing issues related to the workshop theme will be welcome at the main conference, but there is no conference theme for OCP6 at all, and abstracts on any phonological issue (theoretical or empirical) in any language(s) and in any phonological framework are invited, as are abstracts which deal with connections between phonology and 
psycholinguistics or sociolinguistics.


Quoting "Ellen Contini-Morava" <elc9j at>:

> Re axioms:  There's Bloomfield's classic "A set of postulates for the 
> science of language", Language 2 (1926), pp. 153-64.  The main one, 
> slightly rephrased in his 1933 Language (p. 159):  "In a 
> speech-community some utterances are alike or partly alike in sound 
> and meaning".  Though some have questioned the assumption of a 
> "shared code" (e.g. Roy Harris, "On redefining linguistics". In 
> Hayley Davis and Talbot Taylor (eds.), Redefining Linguistics. 
> London: Routledge 1990, pp. 18-52.)
> Happy new year,
> Ellen

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