Subject-complement inversion/ some more references

Heidrun Dorgeloh dorgeloh at
Thu Jul 2 12:05:57 UTC 2009

>In addition to Birner's and Chen's work on 
>inversion that have already been named (a couple 
>of days ago), may I also draw your attention to 
>some further work on subject-complement (or 
>"full") inversion that has been carried out over 
>the recent years at different places:
>Dorgeloh, Heidrun.1997. Inversion in Modern 
>English: Form and Function. Amsterdam/ 
>Philadelphia: Benjamins (Studies in Discourse and Grammar Series).
>Kreyer, Rolf. 2006. Inversion in Modern Written 
>English: Syntactic Complexity, Information 
>Status and the Creative Writer. Tuebingen: 
>Gunter Narr (Language in Performance Series).
>Copy, Christine - Lucie Gournay (eds.), 2006. 
>Points de vue sur l'inversion (Special Issue of 
>'Cahiers de Recherche', contains some articles 
>in French but most of them in English)
>Hope this helps any list members interested.
>Heidrun Dorgeloh
>Dr. Heidrun Dorgeloh
>Institut fuer englische Sprachwissenschaft - Anglistik III
>Universitaet Duesseldorf
>Universitaetsstr.1, D-40229 Düsseldorf
>Tel.49-(0)211-81-13774, Fax -13026

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