New Benjamins title- Corrigan et al.: Formulaic Language. Vol. 1
Paul Peranteau
paul at
Thu Jun 11 19:56:56 UTC 2009
Formulaic Language, Volume 1.
Distribution and historical change
Edited by Roberta Corrigan, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali and
Kathleen M. Wheatley
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Studies in Language 82
2009. xxiv, 315 pp.
Hardbound 978 90 272 2995 3 / EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00
e-Book Not yet available 978 90 272 9017 5 / EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00
Part of the set: Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali
and Kathleen M. Wheatley (eds.),
Language: Volume 1: Distribution and historical change, Volume 2:
Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, and functional
explanations. 2 vols. set.
This book is the first of the two-volume collection of papers on
formulaic language. The collection is among the first ones in the
field. The book draws attention to the ritualized, repetitive side of
language, which to some estimates make up over 50% of spoken and
written text. While in the linguistic literature, the creative and
innovative aspects of language have been amply highlighted,
conventionalized, pre-fabricated, "off-the-shelf" expressions have
been paid less attention an imbalance that this book attempts to
remedy. The first of the two volumes addresses the very concept of
formulaic language and provides studies that explore the grammatical
and semantic properties of formulae, their stylistic distribution
within languages, and their evolution in the course of language
history. Since most of the papers are readily accessible to readers
with only basic familiarity with linguistics, besides being a
resource in linguistic research, the book may be used in courses on
discourse structure, pragmatics, semantics, language acquisition, and
syntax, as well as being a resource in linguistic research.
Table of contents
Introduction. Approaches to the study of formulae
Roberta Corrigan, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali and Kathleen M. Wheatley
Part I. What is Formulaic Language
languages versus humanists' languages and the place of speech act
formulas in models of linguistic competence
Andrew Pawley
formulaic language: Persistent challenges and new opportunities
Alison Wray
Part II. Structure and distribution
tendencies of demonstrative clefts in spoken English
Andreea S. Calude
language and the relater category the case of
Jean Hudson and Maria Wiktorsson
aim is to analyze NP: The function of prefabricated chunks in academic texts
Elma Kerz and Florian Haas
in Japanese adjectives in conversation: Toward a new understanding of
a lexical ('part-of-speech') category
Tsuyoshi Ono and Sandra A. Thompson
constructions in written language quotatives: A case study of English
quotatives from two major genres
Jessie Sams
remarks on the evaluative connotations of toponymic idioms in a
contrastive perspective
Joanna Szerszunowicz
Part III. Historical change
role of prefabs in grammaticization: How the particular and the
general interact in language change
Joan Bybee and Rena Torres Cacoullos
models and formulaicity in Classical and Modern Standard Arabic
Giuliano Lancioni
corpus study of lexicalized formulaic sequences with preposition +
Hans Lindquist
embodiment/culture continuum: A historical study of conceptual metaphor
James J. Mischler, III
'remaining' to 'becoming' in Spanish: The role of prefabs in the
development of the construction
Damián Vergara Wilson
Author index
Subject index
Paul Peranteau (paul at
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