New Benjamins Title: Corbett & Noonan: Case and Grammatical Relations

Paul Peranteau paul at
Mon Mar 2 17:09:12 UTC 2009

Case and Grammatical Relations
Studies in honor of Bernard Comrie
Edited by Greville G. Corbett and Michael Noonan
University of Surrey / University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Typological Studies in Language 81
2008. ix, 290 pp.
Hardbound 978 90 272 2994 6 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00
978 90 272 9018 2 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

The papers in this volume can be grouped into two broad, overlapping 
classes: those dealing primarily with case and those dealing 
primarily with grammatical relations. With regard to case, topics 
include descriptions of the case systems of two Caucasian languages, 
the problems of determining how many cases Russian has and whether 
Hungarian has a case system at all, the issue of case-combining, the 
retention of the dative in Swedish dialects, and genitive objects in 
the languages of Europe. With regard to grammatical relations, topics 
include the order of obliques in OV and VO languages, the effects of 
the referential hierarchy on the distribution of grammatical 
relations, the problem of whether the passive requires a subject 
category, the relation between subjecthood and definiteness, and the 
issue of how the loss of case and aspectual systems triggers the use 
of compensatory mechanisms in heritage Russian.


Table of contents

Preface  viiix
Preface  VIIIX
Determining morphosyntactic feature values: The case of case
Greville G. Corbett 134
Determining morphosyntactic feature values: The case of case
Greville G. Corbett 134
Does Hungarian have a case system?
Andrew Spencer 3556
Does Hungarian have a case system?
Andrew Spencer 3556
Case in Ingush syntax
Johanna Nichols 5774
Case in Ingush syntax
Johanna Nichols 5774
Cases, arguments, verbs in Abkhaz, Georgian and Mingrelian
George Hewitt 75104
Cases, arguments, verbs in Abkhaz, Georgian and Mingrelian
George Hewitt 75104
The degenerative dative of Southern Norrbothnian
Östen Dahl 105126
The degenerate dative in Southern Norrbothnian
Östen Dahl 105126
Case compounding in the Bodic languages
Michael Noonan 127147
Case compounding in the Bodic languages
Michael Noonan 127148
Leipzig fourmille de typologues: Genitive objects in comparison
Martin Haspelmath and Susanne Michaelis 149166
Leipzig fourmille de typologues  Genitive objects in comparison
Martin Haspelmath and Susanne Michaelis 149166
An asymmetry between VO and OV languages: The ordering of obliques
John A. Hawkins 167190
An asymmetry between VO and OV languages: The ordering of obliques
John A. Hawkins 167190
On the scope of the referential hierarchy in the typology of 
grammatical relations
Balthasar Bickel 191210
On the scope of the referential hierarchy in the typology of 
grammatical relations
Balthasar Bickel 191210
Does passivization require a subject category?
Marianne Mithun 211240
Does passivization require a subject category?
Marianne Mithun 211240
The definiteness of subjects and objects in Malagasy
Edward L. Keenan 241261
The definiteness of subjects and objects in Malagasy
Edward L. Keenan 241262
Without aspect
Maria Polinsky 263282
Without aspect
Maria Polinsky 263282
Author index  283284
Language index  285286
Subject index  287290

Paul Peranteau (paul at
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