Syntax of the World's Languages IV

Antoine Guillaume Antoine.Guillaume at
Wed Oct 28 07:31:01 UTC 2009

[Apologies for cross-posting]



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Call for papers: 'Syntax of the World's Languages IV'

Lyon, 23-26 September 2010


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Conference description


In the same spirit as the previous conferences of this series ( <> SWL1 - Leipzig 2004,  <> SWL2 - Lancaster 2006, and  <> SWL3 - Berlin 2008), SWL4 will provide a forum for linguists working on the syntax of less widely studied languages or language varieties. Its main purpose is enlarging our knowledge and understanding of syntactic diversity. Contributions are expected to be data-driven, and the discussion of theoretical issues is appreciated to the extent that it helps to elucidate the data and remains understandable to persons that are not specialists of the relevant theory. All major theoretical frameworks are equally welcome, and papers that adopt a diachronic or comparative perspective are also welcome, as well as papers dealing with morphological or semantic issues, in so far as syntactic issues also play a major role.



Conference venue


The conference will be hosted by the  <> Institut des Sciences de l’Homme (ISH) in Lyon (France) and is organized by the  <> laboratoire Dynamique du Language (DDL) of the  <> Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the  <> Université Lumière Lyon II.



Invited speakers


 <> Ekkehard König (Freie Universität Berlin)

 <> Lutz Marten (SOAS, London)

 <> Claire Moyse-Faurie (CNRS, Paris)

 <> Fernando Zúñiga (University of Zurich)



Programme committee


Felix Ameka (Leiden), Peter Austin (London), Balthasar Bickel (Leipzig), Koen Bostoen (Brussels), Isabelle Bril (Paris), Claudine Chamoreau (Paris-Mexico), Hilary Chappell (Paris), Misha Daniel (Moscow), Scott Delancey (Eugene, USA), Alexandre François (Paris), Spike Gildea (Eugene, USA), Martin Haspelmath (Leipzig), Dmitry Idiatov (Antwerpen), Mathias Jenny (Zurich), Petar Kehayov (Tartu), Seppo Kittilä (Helsinki), Ekkehard König (Berlin), Renée Lambert (Montréal), Lutz Marten (London), Annie Montaut (Paris), Claire Moyse (Paris), Irina Nikolaeva (London), Pollet Samvelian (Paris), Anna Siewierska (Lancaster), Anna Sörés (Lyon), Fernando Zúñiga (Zurich), Mark van de Velde (Paris), Alice Vittrant (Aix-en-Provence), Sylvie Voisin (Aix-en-Provence)





 <> Denis Creissels

 <> Antoine Guillaume

 <> Françoise Rose



Call for papers


Abstracts of no more than one page (plus possibly one additional page for examples), should be sent in PDF format to  <mailto:Denis.Creissels at> Denis Creissels (denis.creissels at before 31st January 2010, with "SWL4" in the subject line. Submissions should be anonymous and refrain from self-reference. Please provide contact details (name, phone, fax) and the title of your presentation in the body of the email. Participants may not be involved in more than two abstracts, of which at most one may be single-authored. The conference will be held in English and French; abstracts may be submitted in either language.


Notification of acceptance by the 31st of March 2010. 




Conference fees:

regular             before 30th June                      80€

                    between 1st July and 15th September  100€

student/unemployed  before 30th June                      40€

                    between 1st July and 15th September   60€


Note that, for administrative reasons, we will not be able to accept registrations after 15th September.


A limited number of small grants might be available for participants with limited funding. Information will be announced later.



Important dates


31st January 2010        Deadline for abstract submission

31st March 2010          Notification of acceptance

1st May 2010             Registration begins

30th June 2010           Early-bird registration ends

15th September 2010      Registration ends

23rd-26th September 2010 Conference



Contact person


 <mailto:denis.creissels at> Denis Creissels (denis.creissels at

Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage

Institut des Sciences de l'Homme

14 avenue Berthelot

69363 LYON Cedex 07


Tel No.: 33(0)472727931

Fax. No.: 33(0)472726590


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