Final cfp: Stylistics Across Disciplines
Stukker, N.M.
n.m.stukker at
Fri Dec 3 10:05:21 UTC 2010
Deadline December 15, 2010
Leiden University, The Netherlands
June 16-17, 2011
* Prof. dr. Douglas E. Biber, Northern Arizona University (USA)
* Prof. dr. Barbara Dancygier, University of British Columbia
* Prof. dr. Arie Verhagen, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Stylistics is a field of study that is growing and developing fast. Its
central concern is the way cognitive and communicative effects are
achieved by means of linguistic choices. It therefore encompasses
literary studies and linguistics as well as discourse studies. In spite
of the shared, overarching definition of what it is, the field of study
of Stylistics is highly fragmented. It mainly takes place within the
boundaries of the various, more traditional, domains of study, e.g.
literary analysis, rhetoric, (critical) discourse analysis, applied
linguistics, etc. As a result, a comprehensive understanding of the wide
variety of interests and foci of attention in stylistic studies, as well
as exchange of knowledge between these research domains, is developing
relatively slowly.
In recent years, successful attempts have been made to take an
integrative, cross-disciplinary perspective on Stylistics, focusing on
the shared research object: language use. An example is the expanding
body of studies associated with the International Poetics and
Linguistics Association (PALA). Especially fruitful has proven to be the
developing area of 'cognitive poetics', a field closely allied with the
theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics, which includes attention
for contextual factors and the inherently 'subjective' basis of language
in linguistic analysis. This Stylistics across disciplines conference
links up with these developments and intends to offer a platform for
exchange of ideas and to stimulate fruitful collaboration among
linguists, literary scholars and discourse scholars studying 'style'.
We invite participants from all relevant fields to participate in the
Stylistics across disciplines conference to discuss the opportunities
and problems regarding the development of Stylistics as a coherent and
methodologically sound research discipline. We welcome papers on (but
not limited to) the subject of:
* Possibilities and limitations of an interdisciplinary
perspective: what can literary scholars learn from the way style is
studied in linguistics or rhetoric, and vice versa?
* Opportunities and problems of a 'linguistic stylistics'
* Methodological issues: qualitative (interpretive analysis) or
quantitative methods (digital humanities, corpus stylistics) and
different research methods (corpus analysis, experimental effect
studies) in relation to various research contexts
* Development of theoretical notions and analytical tools
especially suited for stylistic analysis
* Context-sensitivity of stylistic patterns and analysis: how does
stylistic choice interact with contextual factors such as institution,
genre characteristics, etc.?
* Language specificity and culture specificity of stylistic
phenomena and analysis
Please submit your abstract (in Word or PDF format, containing the title
of your paper, author's name(s) and affiliation(s), max. 500 words) to
stylistics at The deadline for abstract submission is
December 15, 2010. Notification of acceptance will be by February 1,
Suzanne Fagel
Maarten van Leeuwen
Ninke Stukker
stylistics at
Jaap Goedegebuure (literary studies)
Ton van Haaften (language and communication) Jaap de Jong (rhetoric)
Arie Verhagen (linguistics)
The Stylistics across disciplines conference is organized by researchers
from the NWO research project Stylistics of Dutch (Leiden University
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