voice and race recognition

Geoff Nathan geoffnathan at wayne.edu
Thu Dec 30 11:31:07 UTC 2010

No correction necessary. Jo is absolutely right that the perception of Canadian Raising in HE is due to the way the name of the state is pronounced in HE. 
To the best of my knowledge Canadian Raising of /ay/ does not occur in any dialect of AAE (it probably does in the speech of African-Canadians, but I don't know that literature). The reflex of /ay/ in AAE is generally a monophthongal [a:] unless it's some form of [ay]. 
The local pronunciation of 'Hawaii' is indeed [h^'v^?i] (^ = caret, ? = glottal stop, ' = stress), and unstressed /a/ in other common Hawaiian words in Hawaiian Engilish is often reduced to schwa (for example pau hana 'time to quit work' [paw han@] (@ = schwa), mauka 'towards the mountains' [mawk@] ) 

Geoffrey S. Nathan 
Faculty Liaison, C&IT 
and Professor, Linguistics Program 
+1 (313) 577-1259 (C&IT) 
+1 (313) 577-8621 (English/Linguistics) 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Johanna Rubba" <jrubba at calpoly.edu> 
To: john at research.haifa.ac.il 
Cc: "s.t. bischoff" <bischoff.st at gmail.com>, funknet at mailman.rice.edu 
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 12:01:00 AM 
Subject: Re: [FUNKNET] voice and race recognition 

So far as I know (and Geoff Nathan can correct me if I'm wrong), 
short /a/ in Hawai'ian is, in general, pronounced as schwa. This 
would cause what appears to be Canadian raising in the state's name, 
but that's only because the /i/ follows. The first /a/ in the word 
is also a schwa. 

In any case, I don't know anything about the presence or absence of 
Can. raising in the various regional manifestations of AAE. 

Dr. Johanna Rubba, Ph. D. 
Professor, Linguistics 
Linguistics Minor Advisor 
English Dept. 
Cal Poly State University San Luis Obispo 
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 
Ofc. tel. : 805-756-2184 
Dept. tel.: 805-756-2596 
Dept. fax: 805-756-6374 
E-mail: jrubba at calpoly.edu 
URL: http://cla.calpoly.edu/~jrubba 

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