Help with getting materials from Bridwell Library, SMU

A. Katz amnfn at
Fri Jul 2 14:05:37 UTC 2010

Dear Funknetters,

I don't have any institutional affiliation, and the rural county library 
where I have a library card does not do interlibrary loan. I am interested 
in getting a copy of Deuteronomy 32 in each of the six Kaifeng scrolls 
available at the Bridwell Library at SMU. I have been in correspondence 
with Dr. Eric White of the Bridwell Library for over a year now, in the 
hopes of finding some way to get copies of the material, which has not yet 
been digitized. I offered to hire a grad student at SMU to make the copies 
for me, but I was informed there was no one competent enough or interested 
enough to do so.

Can any of you who are geographically close or who are interested in the 
material yourself and who might borrow it on interlibrary loan help me 
with this?

Thanks in advance,

    --Aya Katz

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