bird song

s.t. bischoff at
Thu Jun 24 11:42:37 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I neglected to include the references we received from everyone regarding
bird song and CA in my previous email, sorry about that. Her you go, and
thanks again!


Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson paper "A simplest systematics for the
organization of turn-taking for conversation" in Language 50 (1974),
pp.669-735. (Jacob Franco was kind enough to send me a PDF of this
paper...if anyone would like a copy.)

dissertation by Mike Huiskes ("The role of the clause for turn-taking in
Dutch conversations", downloadable at,

R.F. Lachlan et al. (see "Are There Species-Universal Categories in Bird
Song Phonology and Syntax?", Journal of Comparative Psychology (2010) 124,

An excellent summary of CA for a beginner is the Hutchby and Wooffitt book,
Conversation Analysis (not sure about the exact title), Polity Press (maybe

Schegloff, Sequence Organization in Interaction: A Primer in Conversation
Analysis I, Cambridge:CUP, 2007.

Various papers of Emanuel A. Schegloff found at

Work by Wally Chafe, Chuck Goodwin, Sue Erwin-Tripp & others elaborates on
this cooperative aspect of human conversation

Dave Geary's "Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences" (2nd
edition, 2009; Washington, DC: American Psych. Assoc.)

Stephen Anderson's "Doctor Dolittle's Delusion" (Yale U Press, 2004) has an
excellent and accessible summary of the characteristics of bird calls

edited collections by  Ochs, Schegloff, and Thompson (1996); Selting and
Cooper-Kuhlen (2001); and Ford, Fox, and Thompson (2002)

A.J. Doupe & P.K. Kuhl (1999). `Birdsong and human speech: common themes and
mechanisms.? Annual Reviews in Neurosciences 22, 567-631

A good relatively recent overview is M. Naguib & K. Riebel (2006),
"Birdsong: a Key Model in Animal Communication", in K. Brown (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Elsevier. A BIG overview is the
volume Nature's Music: The Science of Birdsong, edited by P. Marler & H.
Slabbekoorn, Elsevier 2004.

A. Leit?o & K. Riebel (2003), "Are good ornaments bad armaments? Male
chaffinch perception of songs with varying flourish length". Animal Behavior
66, 161-167

the Hotrodder Paper in the Harvey Sacks collection

Jack Sidnell - 'Conversation Analysis' (Wiley-Blackwell 2010).

Craig, W. (1908). The Voices of Pigeons Regarded as a Means of Social
Control. The American Journal of Sociology, 14(1), 86-100.

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