Fwd: SLE Workshop: Sociolinguistics & the Media
Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza
francisco.ruizdemendoza at unirioja.es
Fri Nov 5 08:35:17 UTC 2010
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From: J.M. Hernandez-Campoy <jmcampoy at um.es>
Date: 2010/11/5
Subject: SLE Workshop: Sociolinguistics & the Media
*Sociolinguistics and the Media: The Use of Mass Media as Linguistic Data
Corpora for the Study of Sociolinguistic Variation and Change
*Workshop Proposal
To be held within the *44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica
Europaea** (SLE)
* (University of La Rioja at Logroño –Spain, 8-11 September 2011)
Convenor: J.M. Hernández-Campoy (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
As we know, *Sociolinguistics* is that area of Linguistics which deals with
the relationships between language and society. It specifically focuses on
how human beings actually use language in social interaction in their
everyday lives, and its studies are made of languages in their social
context entirely. To simplify somewhat, its concerns are to learn more about
language by investigating topics such as the mechanisms of linguistic
change, the nature of linguistic variability, and the structure of
linguistic systems.
Through the correlation of extralinguistic factors, such as
socio-demographic and/or context variables, with linguistic variables,
Sociolinguistics is being able to detect, locate, describe and explain the
symmetry existing between social variation and linguistic variation in terms
of *sociolinguistic variation*. Significance is understood as the causality
relationship of linguistic and extralinguistic data.
The samples used from mass media communication have been
demonstrated to be very useful sources for the study of styling and the
analysis of linguistic variation and change. On the one hand, style enjoys a
pivotal position in sociolinguistic variation, with *stylistic* (or
intra-speaker) variation constituting a principal component together with *
linguistic* variation and *social* (or inter-speaker) variation. On the
other, language variation and change are one of the two sides of the
sociolinguistic coin (together with linguistic diversity), constituting one
of the great unsolved mysteries of linguistic science, and consequently a
challenge to generations of scholars so far. In many ways, they reflect the
multifaceted shaping of human relationships for the transmission of social
The aim of this workshop is to show results and conclusions from
different empirical studies carried out in different and distant languages,
focussing on variationist phenomena of language use and choice, and
emphasizing theoretical as well as methodological aspects.
*Bell, Allan. (1982). Radio: The style of news language. *Journal of
Communication* 32: 150-164.
Bell, Allan. (1982). This isn’t the BBC: Colonialism in New Zealand English.
* Applied Linguistics* 3: 246-258.
Bell, Allan. (1984). Language Style as Audience Design. *Language in Society
* 13: 145-204.
Bell, Allan. (1991). *The Language of News Media*. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Coupland, Nikolas. (1985). Hark, Hark the Lark: Social Motivations for
Phonological Style-Shifting.* Language and Communication* 5 (3): 153-172.
Coupland, Nikolas. (2001). Dialect Stylization in Radio Talk.* Language in
Society *30 (3): 345-75.
Coupland, Nikolas. (2001). Language, Situation, and the Relational Self:
Theorizing Dialect-Style in Sociolinguistics. In Penelope Eckert & John R.
Rickford (eds.), *Style and Sociolinguistic Variation*. Malden/Oxford:
Blackwell, 185-210.
Coupland, Nikolas. (2007). *Style: Language Variation, and Identity.
Cambridge University Press.
Cutillas-Espinosa, J.A. & Hernández-Campoy, J.M. (2006). Nonresponsive
Performance in Radio Broadcasting: A Case Study. *Language Variation &
Change* 18(3): 317-330.
Cutillas-Espinosa, J.A. & Hernández-Campoy, J.M. (2007). Script Design in
the Media: Radio Talk Norms behind a Professional Voice. *Language &
Communication* 27(2): 127-152.
Cutillas-Espinosa, J.A. & Hernández-Campoy, J.M. & Schilling-Estes, N.
(2010). Hyper-vernacularisation in a Speaker Design Context: A Case
Study. *Folia
Linguistica* 44(1): 31-52.
Gordon, E., Campbell, L., Hay, J., Maclagan, M., Sudbury, A., & Trudgill, P.
(2004). *New Zealand English: Its Origins and Evolution*. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Hernández-Campoy, J.M. & Jiménez-Cano, J.M. (2003). Broadcasting
Standardisation: An Analysis of the Linguistic Normalisation Process in
Murcia. *Journal of Sociolinguistics* 7(3): 321-347.
Hernández-Campoy, J.M. & J.A. Cutillas-Espinosa. (2010). Speaker Design
Practices in Political Discourse: a Case Study. *Language and
Communication*30: 297-309.
Johnstone, Barbara. (1996). *The Linguistic Individual: Self-expression in
Language and Linguistics*. New York: O.U.P.
Johnstone, Barbara. (2009). Stance, Style and Linguistic Individual. In: A.
Jaffe (ed.), *Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Stance*. New York: O.U.P.,
Trudgill, P. (2004). *New-Dialect Formation. The Inevitability of Colonial
Englishes*. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Van de Velde, Hans, Merinel Gerritsen, and Roeland Van Hout. (1996). The
Devoicing of Fricatives in Standard Dutch: A Real-Time Study Based on Radio
Recordings. *Language Variation and Change* 8: 149-175.
Van de Velde, Hans, Roeland Van Hout, and Marinel Gerritsen. (1997).
Watching Dutch change: A real time study of variation and change in standard
Dutch pronunciation. *Journal of Sociolinguistics* 1 (3): 361-391.
*Details of Call for Papers:
*-All presentations will be 20 minutes plus a 10 minute question time.
-Interested researchers in taking part in this workshop are kindly invited
to contact J.M. Hernández-Campoy (jmcampoy at um.es) with their name,
affiliation and a provisional title by *12 November 2010*.
-If the present workshop proposal is accepted (the date of notification
being 15th December 2010), abstracts should be submitted to SLE’ conference
website (http: //sle2011.cilap.es/) by 15 January 2011.
*Important Dates (Summary):
*-Submission of provisional title: 12 November 2010.
-Notification of acceptance of workshop proposal: 15th December 2010.
-If the workshop proposal is accepted then all abstracts will need to be
submitted to SLE by 15th January 2011, via the SLE conference website:
-Notification of acceptance: 31st March 2011
-Registration: From April 2011 onwards
-Conference: 8-11 September 2011
(apologies for multiple postings)
Prof. Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy (Dr.)
Departamento de Filología Inglesa
Facultad de Letras
Campus de La Merced
Universidad de Murcia
30071 Murcia (Spain)
Tel.: +34-868-88.31.81
Tel. Móvil: 629-552424
Fax.: +34-868-88.31.85
E-Mail: jmcampoy at um.es
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