Language and Cognition Vol. 2, No. 2, October 2010 is now available

Vyv Evans v.evans at
Mon Nov 8 04:31:56 UTC 2010

**************JUST PUBLISHED**************

Language and Cognition
*Volume*: 2, *Number*: 2 (October 2010)

Journal website:
Publisher website:

Table of contents below.  Don't forget to ask your library to subscribe.


	*Adaptive cognition without massive modularity*

	Raymond W. Gibbs 
and Guy C. Van Orden 

	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 149-176.
| PDF (470 KB) 
| PDF with Links (471 KB) 

	*Do classifiers predict differences in cognitive processing? A study of 
nominal classification in Mandarin Chinese*

	Mahesh Srinivasan 

	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 177-190.
| PDF (528 KB) 
| PDF with Links (532 KB) 

	*The conceptual structure of deontic meaning: A model based on 
geometrical principles*

	Paul Chilton 

	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 191-220.
| PDF (792 KB) 
| PDF with Links (795 KB) 

	*Talking about quantities in space: Vague quantifiers, context and 

	Kenny R. Coventry 
Angelo Cangelosi 
Stephen N. Newstead 
and Davi Bugmann 

	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 221-241.
| PDF (816 KB) 
| PDF with Links (818 KB) 

	*Abstract motion is no longer abstract*

	Teenie Matlock 

	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 243-260.
| PDF (446 KB) 
| PDF with Links (450 KB) 

	*Mutual bootstrapping between language and analogical processing*

	Dedre Gentner 
and Stella Christie 

	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 261-283.
| PDF (425 KB) 
| PDF with Links (430 KB) 


	Language and Cognition October 2010, Vol. 2, No. 2: 285-300.
| PDF (417 KB) 
| PDF with Links (420 KB) 


Prof. Vyv Evans
Professor of Linguistics

Head of School
School of Linguistics & English Language
Bangor University

General Editor of 'Language & Cognition'
A Mouton de Gruyter journal

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rhaid i chi beidio â defnyddio, cadw neu ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth a
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