Fellowships: Exploring the Mind through Music workshop

Suzanne Kemmer kemmer at rice.edu
Mon Oct 18 13:44:58 UTC 2010

[Application deadline is Nov. 1, 2010. There are many musician applicants;
but more in cognitive sciences are desired to round out the group of fellows.  --S.K.  ]

FELLOWSHIPS: Exploring the Mind through Music

The Shepherd School of Music is proud to announce  "Exploring the Mind through Music 2011."  Twenty fellows-ten musicians and ten scientists-will be invited to Rice University campus in Houston for innovative cross-disciplinary seminars and public lectures by distinguished visiting and resident faculty.   Musicians and scientists at any stage in their professional career are encouraged to apply.

The goal of the Conference is to promote collaboration between musicians and scientists and spur research.  In the mornings, in-depth seminars will introduce the scientific fellows to musical structure and history and the musician fellows to brain morphology, music perception and experimental design.  In the afternoons and evenings, the fellows will join together for lectures related to current research.  The Conference concludes with a joint session with all participants.

The morning seminars are open to the Rice and Baylor College of Medicine community.  The afternoon and evening lectures are free and open to the public.

The Visiting Faculty includes:

David Huron, Ohio State University

Fred Lerdahl, Columbia University           

Aniruddh Patel, The Neurosciences Institute

Bob Slevc, University of Maryland, College Park

Robert Zatorre, McGill University

The Resident Faculty includes:

Gregory Barnett, Musicology

Anthony Brandt, Music Composition and Theory

David Eagleman, Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine

Norman Fischer, Cello

Suzanne Kemmer, Cognitive Sciences and Linguistics

Christine Neugebauer, Music Therapy, Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital

Casey O'Callaghan, Philosophy

C. Richard Stasney, Otalyngology, The Methodist Hospital

Fellowships cover all Conference expenses, including lodging and meals.  Fellows are only required to pay their travel to Houston.  For more information, including application instructions and event schedule, please visit the Conference website:
www.rice.edu/mindandmusic    . 

The Conference Director, Anthony Brandt, may be reached by email at abrandt at rice.edu or by phone at (713) 348-2192. The assistant to Dr. Brandt, Molly Gebrian, can be reached atmgebrian at yahoo.com.

"Exploring the Mind through Music 2011" is generously underwritten by Rice University's Shepherd School of Music and Humanities Research Center and the Methodist Hospital's Center for Performing Arts Medicine.

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