A question for Fritz

Dan I. Slobin slobin at berkeley.edu
Sun Oct 24 21:35:13 UTC 2010

yup - from his Show of Show clips, speaking meaninglessly in what 
sounded like various languages - another side of linguistics in the 
popular imagination?

At 12:31 PM 10/24/2010, A. Katz wrote:
>Sid Caesar?
>On Sun, 24 Oct 2010, Dan I. Slobin wrote:
>>Well, the Gene Searchinger story isn't quite that clear cut, since 
>>I did appear in the series and Gene and I had good discussions 
>>about language, thought, and culture.
>>As I recall, it was George Miller who put Gene onto the task and 
>>gave him the first list of people to contact.  And though Gene used 
>>some of my material, he juxtaposed me
>>with Jerry Fodor in a way that suggested a continuity that wasn't 
>>there.  But Gene was also interested in anthropology and neurology, 
>>leaving a rather muddled and spotty
>>collection of vignettes.  If you look at the list of people in the 
>>films, you'll certainly see a slant towards Chomsky et al, but 
>>other directions too:
>>Noam Chomsky, Frederick Newmeyer, Howard Lasnik, George Carlin, 
>>Lila Gleitman, George A. Miller, Mark Aronoff, Judith Klavans, 
>>Alvin Liberman, Lewis Thomas, Jeff Leer, Roy Byrd, Suzette Haden 
>>Elgin, Russell Baker, Dan I. Slobin, Stephen Jay Gould, Jerry 
>>Fodor, David McNeill, Michael Carter, Henry Kucera, Thomas Sebeok, 
>>Steven Pinker, Peter Sells, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Golinkoff, 
>>Jill de Villiers, Susan Carey, Ellen Markman, John Lynch, Ursula 
>>Bellugi, Terence Langendoen, Michael Robinson, Bobby Dews, Deborah 
>>Tannen, Paul Ekman, Peter Marler, Ivan Sag, Philip Lieberman, 
>>Morris Halle, Peter Ladefoged, Sid Caesar, Kim Oller, Rebecca 
>>Eilers, Jane Robinson, Darlene Orr, Nomonde Ngubo, Mazisi Kunene
>>Dan Slobin
>Dan I. Slobin, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Linguistics, 
>University of California, Berkeley
>address:                                              email: 
>slobin at berkeley.edu
>2323 Rose St.                                   phone (home): 
>Berkeley, CA 94708, 

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