An eye opener
Lise Menn
lise.menn at Colorado.EDU
Tue Oct 26 19:10:39 UTC 2010
Yuri, some of the most extensive and best-documented work has been
done by Irene Pepperberg. Try some of the links on this page:
On Oct 26, 2010, at 1:00 PM, john at wrote:
> Shannon recently sent an article in which it was argued that (IIRC)
> birds, bats,
> elephants, dolphins, and whales all have more developed communicative
> vocalizations than primates and speculated on what in the brain this
> is
> associated with.
> John
> Quoting Yuri Tambovtsev <yutamb at>:
>> Dear Aya, it is an eye opener. Do you really mean that your parrot
>> can speak
>> better than your primate? I mean both better sounds and better
>> phrases? Why
>> so? Does it mean that birds with their limited brain can learn to
>> speak? You
>> wrote that your parrot spoke proper words in proper situations. Is
>> that true?
>> The speech apparatus and the mind of birds is quite different from
>> that of
>> the primate. I wonder how our Funknet colleagues can explain it?
>> The books
>> and articles I read say that parrots and other birds just immitate
>> the sounds
>> without understanding them. What you say is a novelty. As you know
>> I study
>> different sounds human beings use in different languages. I was
>> always
>> surprised why different people all over the world produce more or
>> less the
>> same sounds in their speech chains. Did you notice that your parrot
>> produced
>> human sounds equally well? Be well, Yuri Tambovtsev, Novosibirsk,
>> Russia
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Professor Emerita of Linguistics
Fellow, Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Colorado
Secretary, AAAS Section Z [Linguistics]
Fellow, Linguistic Society of America
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