Looking for the author and the quote
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze
W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Fri Oct 29 12:31:28 UTC 2010
have a look at "Recontextualizing Context Grammaticality meets
appropriateness" by Anita Fetzer (Benjamins 2004): She discusses these
terms together with their (first) proponents at length p. 12ff.
Best wishes,
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 121
Am 29.10.2010 12:18, schrieb Gael Vaamonde:
> Hello,
> I remember to read an article or a book where it is said that much of
> the cases discussed in terms of grammatical vs. agrammatical should be
> better accounted for in terms of appropriated vs. inappropriated
> context. Of course, this is a general idea which can be directly or
> indirectly found in several works, but I am looking for the
> source/author where (I think) this is stated as a (well-known?) quote
> or maxim. Some suggestion?... Thank you!
> Gael Vaamonde
> University of Vigo
*Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze *
/Primary contact: /
Institut für Allgemeine & Typologische Sprachwissenschaft
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Email: Schulze at fhv.umb.sk <mailto:Schulze at fhv.umb.sk>
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