apply exact or objective methods

Wolfgang Schulze W.Schulze at
Sun Oct 31 14:25:22 UTC 2010

Well, I recall Bernd Heine once arguing in favor of the emergence of at 
least some clicks from clusters of oral consonants in Khoisan languages 
(but I have to check that! Bernd: In case you read this, please correct 
me!). As for "orals sounds becoming pharyngeal": In Udi (East 
Caucasian), for instances, there is a secured sound law that runs *[t?'] 
 > [q'], as in *ot?- 'ground' > Udi oq' 'ground' (many other examples).

Am 31.10.2010 15:13, schrieb A. Katz:
> Touche! I misspoke. You are right. I should not have mentioned "belief."
> What I meant was, have you seen any historical evidence of the 
> development of clicks from non-clicks? Or of oral sounds becoming 
> pharyngeal? Is the development documented to have occurred in either 
> direction?
>   --Aya
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Yuri Tambovtsev wrote:
>> Aya Katz wrote=
>> Yuri,
>> The answer to your question might depend on whether we believe in
>> monogenesis or not.
>> = That's it! Linguistics is a set of believers. Linguists just 
>> believe or not. Usually, they do not care to apply exact or objective 
>> methods. Why should I believe in monogenesis of language? Or on the 
>> contrary, why should I not believe in monogenesis? Is linguistics a 
>> science or a religion? Is linguistics just for believers? Why should 
>> a linguist be a beliver if he can prove theories, like in biology, 
>> chemistry, physics, etc? Why should I belive that this language has a 
>> lot of gutturals if I can calculate them? Write back to 
>> yutamb at Be well, Yuri Tambovtsev, Novosibirsk, Russia



*Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze *


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