Phono-typological distances received by Tambovtsev

Yuri Tambovtsev yutamb at
Sat Sep 4 19:04:28 UTC 2010

Dear Funknet colleagues, We have computed the phono-typological distances between Old Russian and the other Slavonic and Baltic languages. The ordered series of the TMB coefficient is as follows: Old Russian - Lithuanian (2.84); Old Russian - Latvian (3,65); Old Russian - Russian (4,71); Old Russian - Ukrainian  (5,20); Belorussian - 6,42; Slovenian - 8,60; Czech - 10,29; Bulgarian - 11,08; Macedonian - 13,92; Slovak - 14,20; Serbo-Croatian - 15,31; Sorbian (Luzhits) - 20,16; Polish - 30,54. Therefore, the distribution of the elements of the speech sound chains makes us conclude that Baltic (Lithuanian and Latvian) sound more similarly to the Old Russian language, but not to Russian, Belorussian or Ukrainian as one may expect. Can you share your opinion and write me to yutamb at  Yuri Tambovtsev, Novosibirsk Ped.University, Russia. 

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