analysis: phenomenological vs. cognitive

Esa Itkonen eitkonen at
Fri Sep 10 14:01:38 UTC 2010

Dear Friends: These questions were given what I consider the definitive answer in the context of the 'psychological reality' debate in the mid and late 70's. But there is no harm in reinventing (or renaming) the wheel.


----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Haspelmath <haspelmath at>
Date: Friday, September 10, 2010 2:19 pm
Subject: Re: [FUNKNET] analysis: phenomenological vs. cognitive
To: Funknet <funknet at>

> Lise Menn wrote:
>  > I wish we had better terminology for keeping track of whether, at a 
>  > given time, we are talking about the patterns that are 'out there' 
> in 
>  > the language and might possibly be apprehended (subconsciously) by 
> a 
>  > speaker, and when we are talking about the patterns that a 
> particular 
>  > speaker actually does apprehend, as indicated by experiments, from 
>  > simple 'wug tests' up to brain wave and eye-gaze studies. 
>  I suggested two terms for these kinds of patterns in a 2004 paper 
>  (reference below):
>  – phenomenological description (for what is "out there", or "grammars 
>  that are based simply on the form-meaning correspondences", in Edith 
>  Moravcsik's terms)
>  – cognitive description (for what a speaker has in their head)
>  In the paper my main claim is that we don't really need cognitive 
>  description in order to explain the patterns of languages in 
> functional 
>  terms (just as Darwin didn't need full descriptions of genomes to 
> come 
>  up with functional explanations of the phenomenological properties of 
>  species).
>  In generative linguistics, of course, one needs a unique "analysis" 
> for 
>  each structure, because explanation and description/analysis are the 
>  same enterprise (just two different aspects of it), whereas in 
>  functional linguistics, description and explanation are separate. 
> Thus, 
>  the fact that the best cognitive description is somewhat elusive 
> doesn't 
>  matter to this approach.
>  Martin
>  Reference:
>  Haspelmath, Martin. 2004. Does linguistic explanation presuppose 
>  linguistic description? Studies in Language 28. 554-579. 
>  (doi:10.1075/sl.28.3.06has)
>  -- 
>  Martin Haspelmath (haspelmath at
>  Max-Planck-Institut fuer evolutionaere Anthropologie, Deutscher Platz 
> 6	
>  D-04103 Leipzig      
>  Tel. (MPI) +49-341-3550 307, (priv.) +49-341-980 1616

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