Language variation

Yuri Tambovtsev yutamb at
Wed Sep 22 11:23:33 UTC 2010

Dear Funknet colleagues, I study language variation on phonetic and semantic level. I mean I research how the speech souns vary in different languages from the point of view of their occurrence. That is, how many particular phonemes occur in this or that world language. I studied the occurrence of phonemes in the speech chain of some 300 world languages. However, in every language speech sound chain the element vary. I study their variation with the help of the coefficient of variation. I wonder if I could compare my results to some other results of this sort. Who studies the variation of the occurrence speech sounds in different languages now? Or is it not in fashion any more? It was very fashionable in the 1960-1970. The other question is if it is all right to use the coefficient of variation to study the occurrence of speech sounds? Looking forward to your advice to yutamb at  Yours sincerely Yuri Tambovtsev  

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