New Benjamins title: Hieda et al. - Geographical Typology and Linguistic Areas

Paul Peranteau paul at
Mon Apr 4 17:28:54 UTC 2011

Geographical Typology and Linguistic Areas
With special reference to Africa
Edited by Osamu Hieda, Christa König and Hirosi Nakagawa
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / University of Cologne / Tokyo 
University of Foreign Studies

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 2

2011. vi, 321 pp.

Hardbound 978 90 272 0769 2 / EUR 95.00 / USD 143.00

Is Africa a linguistic area (Heine & Leyew 2008)? The present volume 
consists of sixteen papers highlighting the linguistic geography of 
Africa, covering, in particular, southern Africa with its Khoisan 
languages. A wide range of phenomena are discussed to give an overview 
of the pattern of social, cultural, and linguistic interaction that 
characterizes Africa's linguistic geography. Most contributors to the 
volume discuss language contact and areal diffusion in Africa, although 
some demonstrate, with examples from non-African linguistic data, 
including Amazonian and European languages, how language contact may 
lead to structural convergence. Others investigate contact phenomena in 
social-cultural behavior. The volume makes a large contribution toward 
bringing generalized theory to data-oriented discussions. It is intended 
to stimulate further research on contact phenomena in Africa.
For sale in all countries except Japan. For customers in Japan: please 
contact Yushodo Co.

Table of contents

Message from the President
Ikuo Kameyama 1
Center for Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education
Makoto Minegishi 3
Christa König 7
Section 1
Areal Features and Linguistic Areas: Contact-induced Change and 
Geographical Typology
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald 13
Areas of Grammaticalization and Geographical Typology
Bernd Heine 41
Case Marking and Linguistic Geography
Christa König 67
Can Ethiopian Languages be Considered Languages in the African 
Linguistic Area? The Case of Highland East Cushitic, particularly 
Sidaama and Kambaata
Kazuhiro Kawachi 91
Proto-Bantu and Proto-Niger-Congo: Macro-areal Typology and Linguistic 
Tom Güldemann 109
Section 2
Explaining Convergence and the Formation of Linguistic Areas
Yaron Matras 143
Is Kumam a Creole Language? A Mechanism of Linguistic Convergence in the 
Southern Lwo Area
Osamu Hieda 161
The Continuum of Languages in West Tanzania Bantu: A Case Study of 
Gongwe, Bende, and Pimbwe
Yuko Abe 177
Patterns of Linguistic Convergence in the Khoe-speaking Area of Southern 
Rainer Vossen 189
Tense and Aspect in Khoesan: The case of Ju/'hoansi
Budzani Gabanamotse-Mogara 201
Section 3
Ritual Pathways: Contact in a Framework of Difference, Imitation and 
Anne Storch 213
The Eastern Kalahari Khoe: A Focus on Inter-Khoisan Ethno-language 
Dynamics around the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans of Botswana
Andy Chebanne 233
Language Contact and Social Change in North-central Namibia: 
Socialization via Singing and Dancing Activities among the !Xun San
Akira Takada 251
Two Types of Kinship Classifi cation Found among the Khoe Languages — 
Relative and Absolute Calculations in Determining the Seniority among 
Classifi catory Siblings
Hitomi Ono 269
A First Report on G|ui Ideophones
Hirosi Nakagawa 279
Section 4
Noun-Modifi er Order in Africa
Matthew S. Dryer 287
Index of Authors 313
Index of Languages, Language Families and Areas 315
Index of Subjects 318
Contributors 321

Paul M. Peranteau
John Benjamins Publishing
763 N 24th Street
Philadelphia PA  USA
Ph: 215 769-3444  Fax: 215 769-3446

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