updated CfP: Information Structure and Discourse - LSA Organized Session in memory of Ellen F. Prince

Sophia A. Malamud smalamud at brandeis.edu
Sat Aug 6 16:26:17 UTC 2011

Dear funknetters,

Here is an updated CfP - now with information about abstract size and

With regards,

Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting
* Portland, Oregon, January 5-8 2012
Organized Session in memory of Ellen F. Prince: Information Structure and

Ellen F. Prince was a pioneer in the field of linguistic pragmatics,
producing seminal work on the typology and linguistic marking of
informational status, on the discourse functions of syntactic constructions,
including insights from cross linguistic studies in Yiddish and English,
language contact phenomena, and the study of reference and salience in the
Centering framework. In the course of her work, she also pioneered the use
of naturally-occurring data in linguistic research, long predating the
advent of electronic corpora.

We invite submissions of papers for 20-minute talks (15 min presentation, 5
min for questions), presenting current research addressing discourse
phenomena, including information structure, attentional status of linguistic
expressions and their meanings, the relationship between coherence and
reference, and phenomena at the discourse-syntax-semantics interface that
emerge in situations of language contact and change. Research based on
experimental or corpus data is particularly encouraged.

Please email all submissions to the session organisers at
lsa2012.prince at gmail.com. The subject of the email *must be* "*LSA session
abstract*". Please include the following information in the email:
        -- Name, affiliation, and email address for each author
        -- The title of the paper

The deadline for all submissions is Monday, September 5.

The abstract must be anonymous and conform to the following guidelines:

   1. Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format.
   2. An abstract, including examples, if needed, must be no more than 1000
   words and no more than two pages in length, in type no smaller than 11 point
   and preferably 12 point; margins should be at least .5 inches on all sides.
   References should be included on a third page.
   3. Your name should only appear in the accompanying email. If you
   identify yourself in any way on the abstract (e.g. "In Smith (1992)...I"),
   the abstract will be rejected without being evaluated. In addition, be sure
   to anonymise your .pdf document by clicking on "File," then "Properties,"
   removing your name if it appears in the "Author" line, and resaving before
   uploading it.
   4. Abstracts that do not conform to the format guidelines will not be
   5. Your paper has not appeared in print, nor will appear before the LSA
   6. A 150 word abstract, intended for publication in the Meeting Handbook,
   will be requested from all authors of accepted papers. The title and authors
   must be the same as those in the originally submitted abstract. The deadline
   will be October 1. This deadline, must be observed or the paper will be
   withdrawn from the program.
   7. You must be an LSA member in order to present at the conference.

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