Journal call for papers: Morphology

Gregor Perko gregor.perko at
Tue Jan 18 11:48:27 UTC 2011

Call for papers

The journal Linguistica, published by the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), will devote its 51th issue (2011) to internal and external boundaries of morphology.


Guest editor: Gregor Perko, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Over the past decades, morphology is witnessing some fundamental changes. One of the issues frequently addressed by several linguists concerns "peripheral", "marginal" or "irregular" phenomena that do not belong to the "core" of morphology. See, among others, Zwicky and Pullum (1987), Thornton and Doleschal (eds) (2000), Dressler et al. (eds) (2005), Fradin, Plénat and Montermini (2009).

Some of the topics proposed are:

- the relation(s) between the central, prototypical or grammatical morphology, and marginal, expressive or extragrammatical morphology;

- issues related to typologies of morphological processes;

- morphology from the perspective of dichotomies: langue/parole, competence/performance;

- boundary between morphology and syntax;

- boundary between inflectional and derivational morphology;

- morphology and the boundaries between lexis and grammar;

- boundaries between morphology and phraseology/idioms;

- morphological productivity vs. morphological creativity;

- morphology and lexicalization.

This list is not exhaustive and all papers aimed at investigating internal and external boundaries of morphology are welcome.

Authors wishing to participate are invited to submit the title and the abstract (100 - 200 words) of their article as an email attachment (Word or PDF) at linguistica at by 31th March 2011. Each abstract will be evaluated by two members of the reviewing committee. Notifications of acceptance of submitted abstracts will be sent to the authors in mid April. Articles and abstracts can be written in English, German, Spanish, French or Italian. The accepted articles should not exceed 30 000 characters, including spaces.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 March  2011

Deadline for sending in accepted papers: 30 June 2011

July to September 2011: evaluation of articles by members of the reading committee

October, November 2011: submission of revised versions and proofs


References :

Doleschal, Ursula/Anna M. THORNTON (eds) (2000) Extragrammatical and Marginal Morphology. München: Lincom Europa. 

Dressler, Wolfgang U. et al. (eds) (2005) Morphology and its Demarcations. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins.   

Fradin, Bernard/Fabio Montermini/Marc PlÉnat (2009) <Morphologie grammaticale et extragrammaticale.> In: B. Fradin/F. Kerleroux/M. Plénat (eds.), Aperçus de morphologie du français. Paris: Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 21-45.

Zwicky, Arnold M./Geofrey K. Pullum (1987) <Plain morphology and expressive morphology.> In: J. Aske et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistic Society, 330-340.

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