Rosetta Stone acquires the rights to endangered languages

Tom Givon tgivon at
Thu Jan 20 18:16:32 UTC 2011

Rosetta Stone is a f---ing fraud. I certainly won't recommend to my Ute 
friends that they do anything with them--if they asked me. However, 
preying on innocent customers is RS's specialty, and the Natives are 
just as gullible as the rest of us, an in many way more vulnerable. I 
hope they don't create more damage than history already has.  TG


On 1/20/2011 9:50 AM, Keith Johnson wrote:
> Hi Funksters,
> My subject heading is intentionally provocative, but this article 
> raises a couple of
> issues.  Is it a good thing for Rosetta Stone to have an endangered 
> languages
> unit?
> Keith Johnson

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