New book on clause combining

Ritva Laury ritva.laury at
Wed Jul 20 08:08:23 UTC 2011

I am happy to announce a new book on clause combining, titled 
Subordination in Conversation. Details can be found at
and below.
This volume inaugurates the new series Studies in Language and Social 
Interaction, edited by Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Sandra Thompson. It 
is the continuation of the series Studies in Discourse and Grammar, also 
published by Benjamins and edited by Paul Hopper and Sandy Thompson.

Ritva Laury

New book information


[SLSI 24]


Subordination in Conversation

A cross-linguistic perspective

Edited by Ritva Laury and Ryoko Suzuki

University of Helsinki / Keio University

The articles in this volume examine the notion of clausal subordination 
based on English,
Estonian, Finnish, French, German and Japanese conversational data. Some 
of the articles
approach ‘subordination’ in terms of social action, taking into account 
what participants are
doing with their talk, considering topics such as the use of clauses as 
projector phrases and
as devices for organizing the participant structure of the conversation. 
Other articles focus
on the emergence of clause combinations diachronically and 
synchronically, taking on
topics such as the grammaticalization of clauses and conjunctions into 
discourse markers,
and the continuum nature of syntactic subordination. In all of the 
articles, linguistic forms
are considered to be emergent from recurrent practices engaged in by 
participants in
conversation. The contributions critically examine central syntactic 
notions in interclausal
relations and their relevance to the description of clause combining in 
language, to the structure of conversation, and to the interactional 
functions of language.

[Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 24] 2011. viii, 244 pp.

Hb 978 90 272 2634 1 EUR 95.00

E-book 978 90 272 8696 3 EUR 95.00

Table of contents

List of contributors


Ritva Laury and Ryoko Suzuki

N be that-constructions in everyday German conversation: A reanalysis of 
Sache ist/das Ding ist’ (‘the thing is’)-clauses as projector phrases

Susanne Günthner

Interrogative “complements” and question design in Estonian

Leelo Keevallik

Syntactic and actional characteristics of Finnish että-clauses

Aino Koivisto, Ritva Laury and Eeva-Leena Seppänen

Clause-combining and the sequencing of actions: Projector constructions 
in French talk-in-interaction

Simona Pekarek Doehler

A note on the emergence of quotative constructions in Japanese conversation

Ryoko Suzuki

Clines of subordination – constructions with the German 
‘complement-taking predicate’ glauben

Wolfgang Imo

Are kara ‘because’-clauses causal subordinate clauses in present-day 

Yuko Higashiizumi

Teyuuka and I mean as pragmatic parentheticals in Japanese and English

Ritva Laury and Shigeko Okamoto

Name index

Subject index

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