Question about Russian as the state language of Russia
Wolfgang Schulze
W.Schulze at
Thu Mar 17 10:45:38 UTC 2011
Dear John,
for sake of simplicity, let me quote from Wikipedia that has the basic
information (
"In Russia, Church Slavonic - which evolved from Old Church Slavonic -
remained the literary language until the Petrine age (1682-1725), when
its usage shrank drastically to biblical and liturgical texts. Legal
acts and private letters had been, however, already written in
pre-Petrine Muscovy in a less formal language, more closely reflecting
spoken Russian. The first grammar of the Russian language was written by
Vasily Adodurov in the 1740s, and a more influential one by Mikhail
Lomonosov in 1755."
It goes on saying:
"After the disestablishment of the "Tartar yoke" (...) in the late 14th
century, both the political centre and the predominant dialect in
European Russia came to be based in Moscow. A scientific consensus
exists that Russian and Ruthenian (the predecessor of Belarusian and
Ukrainian) had definitely become distinct by this time at the latest
(according to some linguists and historians, even earlier). The official
language in Russia remained a kind of Church Slavonic until the close of
the 18th century, but, despite attempts at standardization, as by
Meletius Smotrytsky c. 1620, its purity was by then strongly compromised
by an incipient secular literature".
"At the same time [starting with the political reforms by Peter the
Great, W.S.], there began explicit attempts to fashion a modern literary
language as a compromise between Church Slavonic, the native vernacular,
and the style of Western Europe. (...). During the 19th century, the
standard language assumed its modern form."
Naturally, there are much elaborated treatments available, but according
to my knowledge, these quotes go into the right direction (leaving
enough space for sometimes heated debates among Slavicists)....
Best wishes,
Am 17.03.2011 11:16, schrieb john at
> Dear Funknetters,
> I know this isn't a normal question for Funknet but...Do any of you know
> when Russian became the state language of Russia, replacing Church Slavonic?
> For some reason I seem to be having trouble finding out this information.
> Thanks,
> John
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*Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze *
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