New Benjamins title: Rothstein/Thieroff - Mood in the Languages of Europe

Paul Peranteau paul at
Wed Mar 23 20:58:04 UTC 2011

Mood in the Languages of Europe
Edited by Björn Rothstein and Rolf Thieroff
University of Bochum / University of Osnabrück

Studies in Language Companion Series 120

2010. xvi, 647 pp.

978 90 272 0587 2 / EUR 110.00 / USD 165.00

e-Book – Available from e-book platforms
978 90 272 8763 2 / EUR 110.00 / USD 165.00

This book is the first comprehensive survey of mood in the languages of 
Europe. It gives readers access to a collection of data on mood. Each 
article presents the mood system of a specific European language in a 
way that readers not familiar with this language are able to understand 
and to interpret the data. The articles contain information on the 
morphology and semantics of the mood system, the possible combinations 
of tense and mood morphology, and the possible uses of the 
non-indica­tive mood(s). The papers address the explanation of mood from 
an empirical and descriptive perspective. This book is of interest to 
scholars of mood and modality, language contact, and areal linguistics 
and typology.

Table of contents

Björn Rothstein and Rolf Thieroff ix–x
List of contributors xi–xii
List of abbreviations xv–xvi
Moods, moods, moods
Rolf Thieroff 1–30
Part I. Germanic
Mood in Icelandic
Halldór Ármann Sigurdsson 33–55
Mood in Norwegian
Kristin Melum Eide 56–70
Mood in Swedish
Björn Rothstein 71–84
Mood in Danish
Tanya Karoli Christensen and Lars Heltoft 85–102
Mood in English
Alexander Bergs and Lena Heine 103–116
Mood in Dutch
Ronny Boogaart and Theo Janssen 117–132
Mood in German
Rolf Thieroff 133–154
Part II. Romance
Mood in French
Walter De Mulder 157–178
Mood in Portuguese
Martin Becker 179–197
Mood in Spanish
Brenda Laca 198–220
Mood in Catalan
Josep Quer 221–236
Mood in Italian
Mario Squartini 237–250
Mood in Rumanian
Martin Becker 251–270
Part III. Celtic
Mood in Irish
Dónall P. Ó Baoill 273–291
Mood in Breton
Stephen Hewitt 292–308
Mood in Welsh
Johannes Heinecke 309–322
Part IV. Slavic
Mood in Russian
Bjorn Hansen 325–341
Mood in Polish
Bjorn Hansen 342–357
Mood in Czech and Slovak
Roland Meyer 358–375
Mood in Sorbian
Lenka Scholze 376–393
Mood in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Luka Szucsich 394–408
Mood in Bulgarian and Macedonian
Jouko Lindstedt 409–422
Part V. Baltic
Mood in Latvian and Lithuanian
Axel Holvoet 425–444
Part VI. Other Indo-European languages
Mood in Albanian
Walter Breu 447–472
Mood in Greek
Hartmut Haberland 473–491
Mood in Modern Eastern Armenian
Jasmine Dum-Tragut 492–508
Part VII. Finno-Ugric
Mood in Finnish
Hannu Tommola 511–527
Mood in Estonian
Helle Metslang and Maria-Maren Sepper 528–550
Mood in Hungarian
Casper de Groot 551–568
Part VIII. Other European languages
Mood in Maltese
Martine Vanhove 571–583
Mood in Turkish
Astrid Menz 584–602
Mood in Modern Georgian
Winfried Boeder 603–632
Mood in Basque
Martin Haase 633–643
Index 644–647

Paul M. Peranteau
John Benjamins Publishing
763 N 24th Street
Philadelphia PA  USA
Ph: 215 769-3444  Fax: 215 769-3446

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