Book announcements on Funknet

Robert Englebretson reng at
Wed Mar 23 23:22:32 UTC 2011

Johanna (and all),

Yes, announcement of functionally-relevant books is certainly welcome on 
Funknet.  This is especially true for authors who may be subscribed to the 
list and want to let the rest of us know about their forthcoming books; and 
we have generally kept an open policy to publishers as well, as long as the 
books do have a functional orientation.  Same goes for conference calls. 
BTW, this parallels what other lists, such as Cogling, also do.

If you feel someone is abusing this, or if you have other concerns about 
admin policies, please contact me privately at 
funknet-owner at .

--Robert Englebretson,  Funknet list admin

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