CFP: Tracking Language Change in Specialized and Professional Genres (Clavier 11)

Suzanne Kemmer kemmer at
Sun May 15 23:18:14 UTC 2011

CLAVIER 11 International Conference

(Apologies for cross postings)



Modena, 24-26 November 2011

The international conference ‘Tracking Language 
Change in Specialised and Professional Genres’, 
hosted by the CLAVIER Group, will take place in Modena on 24-26 November 2011.

The nature of genres has always been defined as 
both static and dynamic, functioning as 
discursive action within particular social, 
historical and cultural contexts but open to 
individual and collective creativity and 
innovation. Corpora can be powerful tools in 
tracking this kind of change, as clearly shown by 
a well-established tradition in historical 
linguistics, where growing interest has been 
shown in the diachronic analysis of specialized 
genres. Elements of change, however, can also be 
seen at work in contemporary discourse. As a 
consequence, there is an increasing need for 
diachronic approaches that may help map changes 
brought about for example by new technologies or globalization.

Nowadays, with the recession of the traditional 
constraints of geography on social and cultural 
arrangements brought about by globalization, new 
cultural and linguistic interconnections are 
being established, for example in academic and 
professional settings.  This state of things can 
account both for the emergence of new 
‘globalizing genres’, and for the implementation 
of a series of adaptations to the existing ones, 
as possible solutions to guarantee the success 
and survival of different genres in an era which 
celebrates the need for a ‘global reach’.

The conference intends to focus on such issues in 
order to provide a better definition of the 
methods of investigation of language change, the 
tools, the approaches, the new perspectives, 
bringing together two complementary strands of 
linguistic investigation - corpus analysis and 
genre analysis. The conference purports to 
describe the extent to which language resources 
and generic resources are creatively exploited in 
discourse, variously responding to or determining 
new socio-cultural scenarios, with a special 
interest in technological developments which have 
radically changed the way specialized knowledge is disseminated.

In particular, contributions are invited, 
focusing on textual, intertextual, organizational 
aspects of genres, as well as on 
interdiscursivity and other aspects which 
contextualize genres as reflections of changing 
disciplinary and professional cultures, 
investigating how their integrity is negotiated 
and exploited, in the following domains:
·         Academic
·         Professional
·         Institutional

The conference is held by the CLAVIER (Corpus and 
Language Variation In English Research) group, a 
research centre founded by the Universities of 
Bergamo, Firenze, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Roma 
“La Sapienza”, and Siena, currently based in Modena.

One of the purposes of the 2011 CLAVIER 
conference is to reinforce national and 
international cooperation with scholars and 
research centres that can widen and complement 
the interest in language variation both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Plenary speakers who have accepted to participate are:
Dawn Archer (University of Central Lancashire)
Winnie Cheng (Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Hong Kong)
Marianne Hundt (University of Zurich)

The conference will start early in the afternoon 
on the first day and close around lunchtime on 
the third day, after a roundtable in which 
participants and invited speakers will discuss 
theoretical and methodological issues emerged 
from the papers presented in the previous sessions.

The colleagues who have agreed to take part in the round table are:
Jan Engberg (Aarhus School of Business)
Giuliana Garzone (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Maurizio Gotti (University of Bergamo)
Josef Schmied (Chemnitz University of Technology)
Paul Thompson (University of Birmingham)
Elena Tognini-Bonelli (University of Siena)
Geoffrey Williams (University of South Brittany).

Presentation Guidelines
Papers will be allotted 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion.
Working Language: English
Contributions will be accepted on condition that 
they are relevant to the special theme of the Conference.

Abstract Submission
Please send your anonymous abstract totalling no 
more than 500 words by June 20th to the following address: 
clavier11 <at> 
Please do not include any self-identifying 
information on the abstract; indicate only the 
title and the abstract itself. On a separate cover sheet, include:

Format: (paper/ poster)
Postal mailing address (for primary author):
E-mail (for primary author):

Important dates
June 20th: Deadline for receipt of abstracts
July 11th: Notifications of acceptance
July 26th: Deadline for early bird registration
July 29th: Preliminary Programme

Organizing committee:
Marina Bondi – Silvia Cavalieri - Giuliana Diani - Franca Poppi

Scientific Committee:
Julia Bamford (Napoli) - Marina Bondi (Modena e 
Reggio Emilia) – Gabriella Del Lungo (Firenze) - 
Marina Dossena (Bergamo) – Franca Poppi (Modena e 
Reggio Emilia) - Rita Salvi (Roma) – Elena Tognini Bonelli (Siena)

For any additional information, please contact 
Franca Poppi:
franca.poppi <at>
or visit the Conference web-site at:

Prof. Franca Poppi
Associate Professor of English Linguistics
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Largo Sant'Eufemia, 19
41121 Modena
tel. + 39 059 2055946 

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