Language Documentation - CoLang 2012 at University of Kansas

Carlos Nash cmnash at
Sun Nov 6 20:23:39 UTC 2011

Dear Colleague:

We would like to invite you to attend the upcoming CoLang 2012 summer
institute to be held at the University of Kansas. CoLang 2012 is a
six-week Institute on Collabora­tive Lan­guage Re­search (formerly
InField). The Institute provides an opportunity for graduate students,
prac­ticing lin­guists, and community linguists to become trained in a
wide range of skills in community-cen­tered language documentation.

Held in 2008 (University of California, Santa Barbara) and 2010
(University of Oregon), the six-week insti­tute consists of two parts:
the Work­shops - two weeks of intensive workshops on the practice of
documentary linguistics – followed by a Practicum –a four-week
apprenticeship in the applica­tion of linguis­tic science and
techno­logy to on-site empirical documentation (a.k.a. “field
linguis­tics”). Those who enroll in the Practicum are required to
enroll in the preceding Workshops, thereby re­ceiving an intensive
course in docu­mentary best practices before putting these skills to
use. Participants may choose to enroll only in the two-week
Work­shops. Completion certificates (but no academic credit) will be

PRACTICUM Languages offered (
 -  Tlingit: NaDene language family
 -  Amazigh (Berber): Afro-Asiatic language family
 -  Uda: Niger-Congo language family
 -  Cherokee: Iroquoian language family

TUITION: $750 for the Workshops;  $1500 for the Workshops + Practicum
(after April 30, 2012 late fees apply)

For more information the Workshops and Practicum, please visit our


All international participants should register by January 15, 2012 for
visa and travel purposes. International participants will still be
able to register after this date, but may not be able to obtain a visa
in time.

April 30, 2012 is the last registration day to receive the regular
Workshop and Practicum pricing. A late registration fee will be
charged after this date.

HOUSING: On-campus housing at the University of Kansas campus is
available to early registrants. Housing costs and a meal plan will be
added to your total tuition costs at the time of registration. Campus
housing is available until 20 May 2012. Visit the registration page
for more details.

Thank you,  We hope to see at this upcoming CoLang 2012 summer institute!

Arienne Dwyer and Carlos Nash, Co-Directors
Jari Billiot, Assistant Director

Carlos M Nash
Assistant Professor of Linguistic Anthropology and Language Technology
Dept. of Anthropology - University of Kansas
614 Fraser Hall

e-mail: cmnash at
phone: +1 785.864.6357

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