Call for Papers: 38th Berkeley Linguistics Society
Oana David
oanadavid at
Mon Oct 10 07:06:55 UTC 2011
The 38th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society
February 11-12, 2012
The 38th annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society will be held at
the University of California, Berkeley on FEBRUARY 11-12, 2012. The meeting
will comprise a Thematic Session and a General Session.
Invited speakers are listed below, and more will be added soon. Please check
the BLS website for the most up-to-date information regarding the
The BLS 38 thematic session invites papers pertaining to all aspects of
language contact, a major phenomenon that concerns all areas of linguistics
and many linguistics-related fields. We are looking for submissions form all
linguistic subfields and all theoretical frameworks: phonetics, phonology,
syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and
others. We also strongly encourage interdisciplinary work spanning two or
more disciplines, such as anthropology, history, archaeology, geography,
molecular anthropology and genetics. Computational approaches to language
contact are also welcome. A driving question is: how can the
inter-disciplinary study of language contact phenomena contribute to
uncovering key aspects of the history and culture of entire regions and
Invited thematic session speakers:
Mark Donohue, Australian National University
Sarah Thomason, University of Michigan
The General Session will cover all areas of linguistic research. We welcome
proposals from diverse theoretical frameworks as well as papers on
language-related topics from other disciplines (e.g., cognitive science,
psychology, neuroscience, computer science, anthropology, literature, areal
Invited general session speaker:
Dominique Sportiche, UCLA & Department of Cognitive Studies (ENS Paris)
Abstracts must be received via e-mail at bls_submissions at by
Monday, November 14, 2011 at midnight (PST).
No late submissions can be accepted. Authors will be notified of decisions
concerning abstracts by mid-December.
An author may submit at most one single and one joint abstract. In the case
of joint authorship, one email address should be designated for official
communication with BLS.
Abstracts must clearly present a specific thesis statement and include a
description of topic, approach, and conclusions.
Abstracts must fit on one page with margins no smaller than .5 inch in font
no smaller than 10-pt (1 inch margins with 12-pt font is preferred).
Data and examples must be given within the body of the text.
Please include references on a separate page.
To preserve anonymity during the review process, authors should not include
their names or otherwise reveal their identity anywhere in the abstract.
Abstracts must be 500 words or less, not including references but including
Abstracts that do not fit these specifications will not be considered.
All abstracts must be submitted electronically as an email attachment to
bls_submissions at
Abstracts should be formatted as Adobe Acrobat PDF files using the following
file naming convention:
Last name of primary author.General or thematic session.BLS38 abstract.pdf
The body of the e-mail message must contain the following information:
- Paper title
- Session (Thematic Session, General Session) *
- Name(s) of author(s)
- Affiliation(s) of author(s)
- E-mail address for each author
- Designation of email address for official communication in the case of
joint authorship
- Phone number for each author
- Please list up to three subfields (in decreasing order of relevance) from
among the following as possible categories for your submission:
o Phonetics
o Phonology
o Morphology
o Syntax
o Semantics
o Pragmatics
o Historical linguistics
o Sociolinguistics
o Cognitive linguistics
o Psycholinguistics
o Other:___________________________________________
List of subfields:
Send electronic submissions to bls_submissions at, with the
subject line "BLS 38 Abstract".
* Please note that papers submitted to the Thematic Session may be
considered for the General Session as well.
Presentations are allotted 20 minutes, as well as 10 minutes for questions.
Presented papers are published in the BLS Proceedings. Authors agree to
provide camera-ready copy (up to 12 pages) by May 15, 2012. In order to
expedite publication of papers, BLS will digitally publish the proceedings
from the 38th Annual Meeting.
Please send any inquiries to: bls at
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