CfP - New Reflections on Grammaticalisation 5

Graeme Trousdale gtrousda at
Wed Oct 26 19:05:03 UTC 2011

Call for papers

Call deadline: 10 January 2012


New Reflections on Grammaticalisation 5 will be held at the University of Edinburgh, 16-19 July 2012. We hope to build on the success of previous meetings in the series, held in Potsdam (1999), Amsterdam (2002), Santiago de Compostela (2005) and Leuven (2008).


The aim of the conference is to refine current thinking on the nature of grammaticalisation. The Edinburgh conference will take place one hundred years after the publication of Meillet’s groundbreaking paper on grammaticalisation, since when the topic of grammaticalisation has been a central one in historical linguistics research. We welcome papers on all topics relating to grammaticalisation, though we have selected the following as special themes for the conference:


formal approaches to grammaticalisation

grammaticalisation and sign languages

grammaticalisation and (inter)subjectification

grammaticalisation and prosody

grammaticalisation and language contact


Proposals for workshops are also welcome, and have the same deadline as papers for the general session (i.e. 10 January 2012).


We are delighted to announce that the following researchers have agreed to give plenary presentations:


Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge)

Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam)

María José López Couso (University of Santiago de Compostela)

Anne Wichmann (University of Central Lancashire)

Umberto Ansaldo (University of Hong Kong)


Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words, and should be submitted online via the conference website ( Workshop submissions should contain both a short statement of overall aims, along with abstracts for each of the papers to be presented.


General questions regarding NRG5 should be directed to Graeme Trousdale (graeme.trousdale at; any questions regarding the process of abstract submission should be directed to Linda van Bergen (l.vanbergen at
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