2nd LinC Summer school in Systemic Functional Linguistics

Lise Fontaine FontaineL at cardiff.ac.uk
Tue Sep 13 10:29:09 UTC 2011

The research network for Linguistics in Cardiff  is pleased to announce 
the 2nd LinC Summer school in Systemic Functional Linguistics
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales
September 3 – 5, 2012

Systemic Functional Linguistics and the classroom
The goal of the summer school is to offer research and training in both 
understanding the Systemic Functional Linguistic theory of language and 
applying it to educational settings. The summer school will run two 
parallel courses: introduction and applied. 
The introduction to SFL course is ideal for people with little or no 
experience of SFL or those who want a refresher course. The applied course 
assumes a good foundation in SFL and is suited for people interested in 
applying SFL to educational settings. Both are suitable for professionals, 
students, and researchers who have an interest in learning more about 
Systemic Functional Linguistics and its applications. 

Provisional programme to include:
Functional grammar; Phonology and intonation; Text analysis; UAM 
CorpusTool; Teaching writing through SFL; Use of corpora in teaching; 
Classroom discourse; SFL in language learning.

Instructors: Sheena Gardner, Geoff Thompson, Mick O’Donnell, Tom Bartlett, 
Gerard O’Grady and Lise Fontaine. 

Call for Poster Presentations
Participants at the summer school are encouraged to submit an abstract for 
a Poster Presentation.  Accepted proposals will be presented at a poster 
session during the summer school. Deadline for proposal submissions is May 
1st, 2012. Send abstracts of 500 words to linc-network at cf.ac.uk. 

Registration: Places are limited. Registration fee is £120 for the full 
three days.

For more information, please see: http://www.cf.ac.uk/encap/linc

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