CALL for ABSTRACTS-> SLE workshop - Functionally motivated computational approaches to models of language and grammar
Brian Nolan
brian.nolan at
Fri Jan 6 19:40:33 UTC 2012
Functionally motivated computational approaches to models of language and grammar
Within the framework of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, to be held on 29 August - 1 September 2012, at the Department of Linguistics, University of Stockholm, we are holding a workshop on functionally motivated work in computational approaches to models of language and grammar.
Brian Nolan (Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Dublin Ireland)
brian.nolan at
Carlos Periñán Pascual (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
carlos.perinan at
This call for abstracts is for a workshop under the 45th Annual Meeting of the SLE to examine and discuss recent and current work in the use of functional, cognitive and constructional approaches to the computational modelling of language and grammars. A full day workshop hosted under last years 44th meeting of the SLE, at the Universidad de La Rioja (Logroño, Spain) was particularly successful.
Abstract submission date is 15th January 2012
via the SLE website:
We wish to examine in particular computational models that are linguistically motivated and that deal with problems at the interfaces between concept, semantics, lexicon, syntax and morphology. Many functionally oriented models of grammar, including Functional Grammar, Functional Discourse Grammar and Role and Reference Grammar have lent themselves to this work
The organisers of this workshop are a European group of linguists, computational linguists and computer scientists who, since the 2004 Role and Reference Grammar International Conference in Dublin have formulated computational proposals in different areas concerned with the lexicon and concept ontologies, and the computational processing of the syntax, morphology and semantics of a variety of languages. A consequence of this computational work has been the enrichment of the theoretical elements of the RRG theory, especially in its semantics and lexical underpinnings where they connect with concepts, and the building of frame based applications in software that demonstrate its viability in natural language processing. This computational work provides compelling evidence that functional approaches to grammar have a positive and crucial role to play in natural language processing.
The main topics of the workshop will include, but are not limited to, the following:
· The deployment of functional models in parse and generation
· The architecture of the lexicon,
· The linking system between semantics, lexicon and morphosyntax
· Interpretation of the linguistic model into an algorithm specification
· Issues for the layered structure of the clause and word
· Complexity issues
· Concept formation
· Linguistically motivated computational approaches to gesture in language
Abstracts are invited for 20 minute presentations with 10 minute discussion. Interested researchers and linguists are invited to submit an abstract to this workshop with their name, affiliation and abstract of 500 words
Important dates
15 January 2012: submission of all abstracts
31 March 2012: notification of acceptance
The workshop proposal has been accepted so all abstracts will need to be submitted to SLE by 15th January 2012, via the SLE conference
Notification of acceptance: 31st March 2012
Registration: From April 2012 onwards
Conference: 29 August-1 September 2012
Selected references
Cassell, J., Sullivan, J., Prevost, S., and Churchill, E. (Eds.). 2000. EmbodiedConversational Agents. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Fauconnier, Gilles. (1994). Mental Spaces: Aspects of Meaning Construction inNatural Language. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Guest, Elizabeth, Brian Nolan and Ricardo Mairal-Uson. 2009. Natural Languageprocessing applications in an RRG Framework. Proceedings of the 10th International Role and Reference Grammar Conference. University of California, Berkeley USA.
Leeson, Lorraine and Brian Nolan. 2008. Digital Deployment of the Signs ofIreland Corpus in Elearning. Language Resources and Evaluation LREC2008 - 3rd Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Construction and Exploitation of Sign Language Corpora. Marrakech, Morocco.
Leeson, Lorraine, John Saeed, Deirdre Byrne-Dunne, Alison Macduff and Cormac
Leonard. 2006. Moving Heads and Moving Hands: Developing a Digital Corpus of Irish Sign Language. The ‘Signs of Ireland’ Corpus Development Project. IT&T Conference ( IT Carlow, Ireland.
Mairal Usón, R. and Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza. 2008: New challenges for lexical representation within the Lexical-Constructional Model (LCM). In Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. Universidad de La Laguna.
Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza. 2009: Levels of description and explanation in meaning construction. In Ch. Butler and J. Martín Arista (eds.). Deconstructing Constructions. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Morrissey, Sara and Andy Way. 2006. Lost in Translation: the Problems of UsingMainstream MT Evaluation Metrics for Sign Language Translation. In Proceedings of Strategies for developing machine translation for minority languages: 5th SALTMIL Workshop on Minority Languages. Genoa, Italy. pp.91-98
Nolan, Brian. 2011. Constructions as grammatical objects: A new perspective onconstructions in RRG. Paper presented at the International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar on "Functional Linguistics: Grammar, Communication & Cognition". Facultad de Letras, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Santiago de Chile.
Nolan, Brian. 2011. Meaning Construction and Grammatical Inflection in the Layered
Structure of the Irish Word: An RRG Account of Morphological Constructions. In: Watara Nakamura (ed.). New perspectives in Role and Reference Grammar. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Nolan, Brian. 2011. Constructional templates at the morphology-lexicon interface– meaning and the layered structure of the Irish word. Paper presented at the workshop on Meaning construction at the crossroads of grammar, cognition and communication. Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of La Rioja, Logroño, Spain.
Nolan, Brian and Yasser Salem. 2011. UniArab: RRG Arabic-to-English Machine Translation. In: Watara Nakamura (ed.). New perspectives in Role and Reference Grammar. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Periñán-Pascual, Carlos, and Francisco Arcas-Túnez. 2005. Microconceptual-Knowledge Spreading in FunGramKB. Proceedings on the 9th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. 239-244, ACTA Press, Anaheim-Calgary-Zurich.
Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Francisco Arcas Túnez. 2007. Cognitive modules of an NLP knowledge base for language understanding. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 39, 197-204.
Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Francisco Arcas Túnez. 2010a. Ontological commitments in FunGramKB. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 44, 27-34.
Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Francisco Arcas Túnez. 2010b. The architecture of FunGramKB. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2667-2674.
Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 2009. Bringing Role and Reference Grammar to natural language understanding. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 43, 265-273.
Prendinger, Helmut and Mitsuru Ishizuka. 2010. Life-Like Characters: Tools, Affective Functions, and Applications (Cognitive Technologies). Springer.
Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Mairal, Ricardo. 2008: ‘Levels of description and constraining factors in meaning construction: an introduction to the Lexical Constructional Model’. Folia Linguistica 42/2 (2008), 355–400.
Salem, Y., Hensman, A., and Nolan, B., 2008a. Implementing Arabic-to-Englishmachine translation using the Role and Reference Grammar linguistic model. In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Telecommunication (IT&T 2008), Galway, Ireland.
Salem, Y. and Nolan, B., 2009a. Designing an XML lexicon architecture for Arabicmachine translation based on Role and Reference Grammar. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools (MEDAR 2009), Cairo, Egypt.
Salem, Y. and Nolan, B., 2009b. UNIARAB: An universal machine translatorsystem for Arabic Based on Role and Reference Grammar. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Germany (DGfS 2009).
Van Valin, R., 2005. Exploring the Syntax-Semantic Interface. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Van Valin, R. and LaPolla, R., 1997. Syntax: Structure, Meaning, and Function.
Cambridge University Press.
Dr. Brian Nolan
Head of Department of Informatics
School of Informatics and Engineering
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown
Blanchardstown Road North
Dublin 15
email: brian.nolan at
email: brian.nolan at
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