New Benjamins title: N=?iso-8859-1?Q?=F8rg=E5rd-S=F8rensen/Heltoft/Sch=F8sler=3A_?=Connecting Grammaticalisation

Karin Plijnaar karin.plijnaar at
Wed Jan 11 15:00:28 UTC 2012

Connecting Grammaticalisation
Jens Nørgård-Sørensen, Lars Heltoft and Lene Schøsler
University of Copenhagen / Roskilde University

Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics 65  2011.  xiii, 347 pp.

Hardbound ISBN 978 90 272 1575 8 / EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00

e-Book Forthcoming
ISBN 978 90 272 8413 6 / EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00

This monograph presents a view on grammaticalisation radically different 
from standard views centering around the cline of grammaticality. 
Grammar is seen as a complex sign system, and, as a consequence, 
grammatical change always comprises semantic change. What unites 
morphology, topology (word order), constructional syntax and other 
grammatical subsystems is their paradigmatic organisation. The 
traditional concept of an inflexional paradigm is generalised as the 
structuring principle of grammar. Grammatical change involves 
paradigmatic restructuring, and in the process of grammatical change 
morphological, topological and constructional paradigms often connect to 
form complex paradigms. The book introduces the concept of /connecting 
grammaticalisation/ to describe the formation, restructuring and 
dismantling of such complex paradigms. Drawing primarily on data from 
Germanic, Romance and Slavic languages, the book offers both a broad 
general discussion of theoretical issues (part one) and three case 
studies (part two).

Introduction xi-xiv
Chapter 1 Morphology 1-42
Chapter 2 Topology (word order) 43-70
Chapter 3 Constructions 71-102
Chapter 4 Connecting grammaticalisation 103-112
Chapter 5 Patterns of connecting grammaticalisation in Russian: Syntax, 
animacy and aspect
Jens Nørgård-Sørensen 113-170
Chapter 6 Word order change as grammaticalisation: Paradigm structure 
and change in Scandinavian
Lars Heltoft 171-236
Chapter 7 Scenarios of grammatical change in Romance languages
Lene Schøsler 237-326
References 327-342
Language index 343-344
Subject index 345-348

John Benjamins Publishing Company
Karin Plijnaar, Marketing/Publicity
karin.plijnaar at

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