4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages
Ali Farghaly
alifarghaly at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 17 08:23:28 UTC 2012
Fourth Workshop on
Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages(CAASL4)
In conjunction with The tenth biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
(AMTA-2012) San Diego CA, USA
Thursday, November 1st, 2012
Three years after CAASL3, this workshop provides an opportunity for developers and researchers in Academia, the industry, and government to present their work, exchange ideas, and demonstrate systems that focus on the challenging task of dealing with all aspects in natural language processing for languages that use the Arabic script. It also provides an opportunity to assess the progress that has been made since the third workshop in 2009. Authors are invited to submit papers on completed original research and research in progress on any aspect of NLP for the Arabic Script-based languages. Papers should relate directly or indirectly to the following themes: Statistical and rule-based machine translation
Translation Aids, Evaluation Methods and Techniques of machine translation systems
Localization and multilingual information retrieval systems, Shallow and deep parsing, Data driven approaches, Entity extraction, Tokenization and segmentation,
Name matching, Speech synthesis and recognition,Text to speech systems, Semantic analysis, Knowledge Bases, Information retrieval, Semantic web and inferences, Topic Detection and text summarization.
Organizing Committee Ali Farghaly and Farhard Oroumchian
Workshop Dates and Deadlines
The workshop will be held on Thursday November 1st, 2012 from 9 – 5.
Papers submission deadline: August 1st, 2012
Author notification: August 15, 2012
Camera Ready submissions due: September 1st, 2012
Website for submission https://www.softconf.com/amta2012/CAASL4/
Contact Information: alifarghaly at yahoo.com
Papers must be submitted in pdf. Papers should not exceed 8 pages including references and tables. and should follow the formatting guidelines at http://amta2012.amtaweb.org/CFP.
Papers should present original, previously unpublished or under consideration work. Papers will be anonymously reviewed by three members of the program committee.
Tentative Program Committee
Tim BuckwalterUniversity of Maryland, USA
Violetta Cavalli-SforzaAlAkhawayn University, Moroccoa
Sherri CondonMITRE, USA
Aly FahmyCairo University
Mona Diab Columbia University, USA
Joseph DichyLyon University, France
Andrew FreemanUniversity of Washington, USA
Nizar HabashColumbia University, USA
Lamia Hadrich Belguith University of Sfax, Tunisia
Sarmad HussainCRULP, Pakistan
Mohamed MaamouriLinguistics Data Consortium, USA
Farhad OroumchianUniversity of Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Jean SennellartSYSTRAN, France
Khaled ShaalanThe British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ahmed Rafea The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Imed Zitouni IBM, USA
Azadeh ShakeryUniversity of Tehran, Iran
Karim BouzoubaaMohamed Vth Agdal University, Morocco
Abdelhadi SaudiÉcole Nationale de l'Industrie Minérale, Morocco
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