CfP: Workshop "Music, Poetics and Cognition" (Cognition and Poetics Conference)

Meike Pentrel mpentrel at
Tue Nov 6 08:23:43 UTC 2012

*Workshop "Music, Poetics and Cognition"

*Call for Papers**

We invite 20-minute paper submissions for the workshop on *Music, 
Poetics and Cognition* which will be part of the first international 
conference on Cognition and Poetics (CaP-12) held at the University of 
Osnabrueck. The conference will take place from the 25 -- 27 April 2013 
at the Institute of English and American Studies of the University of 
Osnabrueck, Germany. The conference is part of the UOS Research Cluster 
on Cognition and Poetics.

Topics for papers dealing with music, poetics and cognition may include 
but are not limited to:

·Aesthetics of musicalized fiction

·From sentence to movement: musical grammar

·Universals and specifics in cognition and musical (reading and 
listening) experience

·Musical semantics

·Literature and musical experience

·Musical text types / genres from a cognitive perspective

·The evolution of music and language

·Musical semiotics and communication

·Cognitive approaches to a musicalization of fiction

·Music in text: translation, transfer, alienation

Abstracts (250 words) should be sent as anonymized attachments in 
MS-Word or PDF format to workshop organizer Nadja Hekal 
(nhekal at <mailto:cap at>) by 15 December 
2012. In your email text you need to specify:

·your name,


·email address

·title of workshop

·title of your talk

Acceptance of papers will be sent out by 31 January 2013.

Graduate students and PhD Candidates are particularly invited to send 
paper and workshop proposals. The conference as a whole offers fifteen 
(15) grants for graduate students which cover the conference fee and 
accommodation. These grants will be awarded for the fifteen best proposals.

General information about the conference, registration and the venue can 
be found here: For further 
details about the conference please contact Professor Alexander Bergs 
(abergs at, Professor Peter Schneck (pschneck at, or Ms Meike 
Pentrel, who is in charge of organizing the conference 
(mpentrel at Workshop details are available from Nadja Hekal 
(nhekal at

Meike Pentrel
English Linguistics
Universität Osnabrück
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Neuer Graben 40
49069 Osnabrück
phone: +49-(0)541-969-4446

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