CfP, Scandianvian Association for Language and Cognition IV, 2013

Jordan Zlatev jordan.zlatev at
Wed Nov 7 20:03:44 UTC 2012

With apologies for multiple postings


SALC IV, 2013
University of Eastern Finland - Joensuu


The Fourth Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition

The Fourth Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC IV) will take place on the Joensuu campus of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), June 12 - 14, 2013.

The conference will be organized by the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), the Finnish Cognitive Linguistics Association (FiCLA) and the UEF language departments.

Keynote speakers:

Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen              University of Copenhagen

Raymond Gibbs                                  University of California, Santa Cruz

Irene Mittelberg                                   RWTH Aachen University

Anatol Stefanowitsch                         Universität Hamburg
Emile van der Zee                                Lincoln University

The conference is aimed at covering all areas of linguistics with a cognitive flavour, including, for instance,

  *   Cognitive impairment and language use
  *   Language acquisition and cognition
  *   Language and cognitive development and evolution
  *   Language and consciousness
  *   Language and gesture
  *   Language change and cognition
  *   Language structure and cognition
  *   Language use and cognition
  *   Linguistic relativity
  *   Linguistic typology and cognition
  *   Multicultural communication and cognition
  *   Psycholinguistic approaches to language and cognition
  *   Translation and cognition

We now invite submissions of abstracts for paper, workshop and poster presentations.

The deadline for abstract submission is January 1, 2013.

Section papers will be allocated 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.  Organizers of workshops should submit a one-page general abstract of their workshop as well as enclose one (one-page) abstract for each workshop presentation.

The language of the conference is English.

The abstracts should be sent by email as a Word, rtf or Open/Libre Office attachment to salc4 at<mailto:salc4 at> (format of message title and attachment name: SALC2013Abstract: author last name(s)). The document should contain author information (including author name(s), affiliation and contact email address), presentation title, abstract and your preference for oral or poster presentation (if applicable). Notification of acceptance will be communicated by February 1, 2013.

By September 15 2013 the conference web page

will contain information about conference fees, accommodation, travel and other details about the infrastructure and activities associated with SALC IV.

Conference email address: salc4 at<mailto:salc4 at>

For SALC, see:

For FiCLA, see:

Jussi Niemi, PhD
Professor, Linguistics
University of Eastern Finland at Joensuu
POB 111
(street address: Yliopistokatu 4)
FIN-80101 Joensuu
Phone: +358 50 303 4337, or +358 2944 52141 (UEF internally: 52 141)
jussi.niemi at<mailto:jussi.niemi at>

Jordan Zlatev
Professor of General Linguistics
Lund University
Centre for Languages and Literature
Box 201
221 00 Lund, Sweden

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