Mira Ariel mariel at
Sun Sep 30 07:34:39 UTC 2012

Urgent Call for papers for an accepted IPrA panel (New Delhi, Sept. 8-13,


Natural-language connectives: Evidence from discourse, typology and


Mira Ariel -Tel Aviv University

Caterina Mauri - University of Pavia


Connectives play a crucial role in human reasoning and discourse, and have
therefore received attention in a number of different research fields, i.e.
logic, formal semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, typology,
historical linguistics, psycholinguistics. The new challenge now is to
integrate theoretical and empirical tools elaborated in neighboring - but
only recently communicating - fields, looking for converging evidence, in
order to understand their behavior in natural languages.

We aim to resolve potentially contradicting analyses, and let converging
evidence emerge as a basis for an integrated approach to connectives.
Crucial questions we would like to address at this panel are:

*	What are the structural and functional properties of connectives in
natural languages?
*	To what extent does cross-linguistic variation mirror the great
intra-linguistic variation that may be observed in discourse use?
*	To what extent can we integrate data coming from the examination of
corpora with data coming from typological and diachronic surveys in the
elaboration of a 'theory' of connectives?
*	Are there recurrent diachronic paths that may be argued to
characterize the rise of connectives, which may possibly explain the
attested cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic variation? 
*	How are connectives used and processed in discourse, and to what
extent does this influence their structural properties?

We welcome empirical papers addressing the questions above by providing
typological analyses, diachronic data and/or discourse studies on
connectives, with a preference for papers showing some converging evidence.


Confirmed Speakers:

Mira Ariel, Gabriele Diewald, Volker Gast, Caterina Mauri, Sandrine Zufferey
and Liesbeth Degand, Yael Ziv


We're on a very tight schedule, for which we apologize. We need to receive
your 500 word abstract by Oct. 20, so it can be submitted by Nov. 1.
Participants must be IprA members by Nov. 1 2012 in order to submit an


Please send your abstract to Mira Ariel (mariel at and to
Caterina Mauri (caterina.mauri. at




Mira Ariel and Caterina Mauri


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