SALC IV registration is now open
Marja Nenonen
marja.nenonen at
Thu Apr 4 11:26:27 UTC 2013
Joensuu, Finland, June 12 – 14, 2013.
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that registration for The Fourth Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC IV) is now open. The conference will take place on the Joensuu campus of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), June 12 – 14, 2013. The conference program and the registration page are found on the conference website at
Keynote speakers:
Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, University of Copenhagen: Forces that shape linguistic structure in sign languages
Raymond W. Gibbs Jr, University of California, Santa Cruz: What does metaphor in language reveal about metaphor in thought?
Irene Mittelberg, RWTH Aachen University: The exbodied mind: Cognitive-semiotic principles as motivating forces in gesture
Anatol Stefanowitsch, Freie Universität Berlin: Quantitative corpus linguistics and the Usage-Based Model: Natural allies or uneasy partners?
Emile van der Zee, Lincoln University: Word learning in Canis Familiaris: What does word learning in other species such as the dog tell us about word learning mechanisms in humans?
The registration fee for non-members of SALC or FiCLA is 180 € (regular), or 90 € (student). There are reduced fees for SALC/FiCLA members: 150 € (regular), or 60 € (student). The registration fee includes the program pack, coffee/tea and other refreshments, the reception on June 12, and a conference dinner on June 13.
Conference website:
Conference mail: salc4 at<mailto:salc4 at>
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