Professor in Second language research, University of Gothenburg
Benjamin Lyngfelt
benjamin.lyngfelt at
Fri Apr 12 14:17:56 UTC 2013
Professor in Second language research
Type of employment: Permanent post
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Swedish, Göteborg
First day of employment: As soon as possible
Reference number: PER 2013/28
The Department of Swedish language is currently accepting applications for the position of professor in second language research. The new professor will lead and develop research and education within the discipline of second language studies. This position is currently the only professorship in this field in Sweden.
Subject area
Second language research
Specific subject description
Second language research
Job assignments
The professor is expected to initiate and lead projects and postgraduate education in the field of second language research at the department. This implies not only carrying out one´s own research, but assuming a leadership role for on-going and future research in this field at the department. The position also includes supervision of students on the advanced and postgraduate level, as well as teaching on all levels. The new professor will be expected to represent the University in a number of research and development networks and the position may also entail a certain amount of administration. The new professor will furthermore be expected to develop contacts and collaboration within the University and partners outside it. The professor may for example be called upon to provide consultation and direction in planning and development of the education of young people and adults in Swedish as a second language. The department has a lively research environment, currently hosting several externally funded projects in the field of second language research. These projects are in many cases interdisciplinaty and involve national, Nordic and Europeans partners; a few projects have partners in other parts of the world as well. The field of Swedish as a second language is one of five selected research profiles for the department; the other four profiles are lexicology and lexicography, grammar, text research, and language technology. Several research projects in Swedish as a second language involve the other departmental profiles as well.
In 1997, the Institute for Swedish as a second language was established at the department, a centre for both linguistic and didactic research within the field of Swedish as a second language. Education at the undergraduate (BA), advanced (MA) and postgraduate (PhD) level is offered in the discipline of Swedish as a second language; this has been the case as regards undergraduate eduction since the 1980´s and postgraduate since the late 1990´s. The department also conducts extensive in-service training of teachers of Swedish as a second language.
The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.
To be eligible for employment as a professor, the applicant must have demonstrated scientific and teaching ability.
For this position, strong emphasis will be placed on documented scientific and teaching ability, with the greatest priority being given to scientific ability. The assessment process will give consideration both to teaching ability and to scientific ability. As to scientific ability, special consideration will be given to recent research, as well as to the ability to initiate and conduct research, to lead research groups, and to successfully conduct graduate training. Current publications in international journals (including submitted or accepted manuscripts), attention from the research community and proven ability to obtain external funding are particularly valued. Assessment of teaching abilities will take account of experience of planning, implementation, and assessment of teaching, as well as of supervision and examination, in particular at the advanced and doctoral level. Management skills and administrative experience, together with experience of co-operation with the surrounding society - in particular educational institutions and management, are also of benefit.
If the new professor does not already have a working knowledge of Swedish, (Danish or Norwegian), she/he is expected to learn Swedish so that she/he can supervise graduate students and participate fully in research and other departmental activities in the language.
For further information please contact
Lena Rogström, Head of Department
+46-31-786 4869
lena.rogstroem at<mailto:lena.rogstroem at><>
Closing date
Appointment Procedure
Please apply online.
Complementary documents, such as publications/books should be sent to the following address:
University of Gothenburg
Department of Swedish
Lundgrensgatan 5
412 56 Gothenburg
Reference number should be clearly stated when sending complementary documents.
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