"The Adventure of English"

Johanna Rubba jrubba at calpoly.edu
Sun Feb 10 16:12:54 UTC 2013


I know there are at least a few historians of English on this list. Someone recommended the serious "The Adventure of English" to me. I'm teaching HEL next quarter and it would be great to have some video to show to my media-saturated students (one lone comment on a student evaluation: "more movies!"). Has anyone watched this ITV Melvyn Bragg series? Is it worthwhile? "The Story of English" is certainly seriously outdated, and has a false point here and there (and is somewhat boosterish).

I'll post responses.


Dr. Johanna Rubba, Professor, Linguistics       
Linguistics Minor Advisor
English Department
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
Tel. 805.756.2184
Dept. Tel 805.756.2596
E-mail:  jrubba at calpoly.edu
URL: http://cla.calpoly.edu/~jrubba
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- Cornel West

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