Call for papers: Special issue on Swedish constructions

Benjamin Lyngfelt benjamin.lyngfelt at
Mon Jan 28 11:14:27 UTC 2013

Call for papers: Special issue on Swedish constructions

The online linguistics journal Constructions ( is planning a special issue on Swedish constructions, for publication in the winter of 2013-2014. We invite authors to submit original research dealing with the Swedish language from a constructional perspective. The deadline for manuscripts is August 9, 2013.

Manuscripts for this special issue should span between 30.000 and 60.000 characters. In other regards, follow the submission guidelines on <>. All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review. Please note that participating authors are expected to review one other submission for this issue. If you intend to submit, please send us a preliminary title and a short abstract by March 31.

Guest editors of this special issue are Benjamin Lyngfelt (University of Gothenburg) and Camilla Wide (University of Turku). Please submit your contributions to <benjamin.lyngfelt at>.

Most welcome!

The editors

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Constructions is an online, peer-reviewed, free-of-charge, open access journal. It offers a forum for linguistic research concerned with the structure, use, function, and development of 'constructions' in language and linguistics. The journal aims at a balanced integration of both notional, informal approaches to constructions in general and more formal treatments, as for example, within the framework of construction grammar. One of the long-term goals is to establish contact between researchers from various perspectives. The term 'construction' as understood in this journal is deliberately chosen to have a broad extension and not be limited to any specific definition or linguistic orientation. Constructions is not restricted to any particular language or language family, and aims at combining theoretical, empirical, and applied issues. The journal editors are Alexander Bergs and Thomas Hoffmann (both at the University of Osnabrück).

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