career advice: tenure salary/sabbatical

Margaret E. Winters mewinters at
Wed Jul 31 21:05:37 UTC 2013

Dear Shannon,

You should check with your university about salary adjustments upon reaching tenure and promotion - in most places I am aware of, it is not a negotiation but rather an automatic raise.  If it is negotiated, talk to newly promoted/tenured colleagues about the process - you may want to look, if it is public information, at what relatively new associate professors get in the Humanities and Social Sciences - that would give you a range.

Best of luck with the tenure process!

Margaret E. Winters 
Interim Provost 
Wayne State University 
Detroit, MI 48202 

Phone: (313) 577- 2433 
Fax: (313) 577-5666 
e-mail: mewinters at 

----- Original Message -----
From: "s.t. bischoff" < at>
To: "Funknet" <funknet at>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 3:21:00 PM
Subject: [FUNKNET] career advice: tenure salary/sabbatical

Hello all,

Please ignore the previous post...I sent it before I had a chance to proof
it by mistake.

I'm a junior faculty member in the US who is currently up for tenure. I
anticipate no problems with the process and to receive tenure next year
(based on previous evaluations and our departments policies). Though I
think I have a healthy bit of nervousness regarding the process. I wanted
to ask if anyone might have advice regarding salary negotiation upon
receiving tenure and promotion, e.g. is it appropriate and how best to go
about it if so. I know this will vary from institution to institution and
linguist to linguist, but I'm hoping to get some idea if it is something I
should consider.

Provided I do get tenure, I will be eligible for sabbatical in two years. I
will have the option to take a full or half-year.  Like with my query
regarding salary negotiation, I wonder if anyone might have advice
regarding preparing for sabbatical and possibly securing a research or
teaching opportunity outside the US. I am familiar with the Fulbright
program and would appreciate hearing about experience with it or any other

Thank your time,
Shannon Bischoff

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