New Issue Alert - The Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 58:1/2013

Greenwood, Audrey agreenwood at
Mon Jun 3 16:42:50 UTC 2013

Now available on Project MUSE
The Canadian Journal of Linguistics
Volume 58, Number 1, March/mars 2013<>
Temporal and modal dimensions of legal discourses
Guest editor/Rédacteur invité: Benjamin Shaer
This issue contains:
Introduction <>
Benjamin Shaer
pp. 1-12 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0004
I begin this introduction with an introduction. This is in part because the title of this thematic issue, "Temporal and modal dimensions of legal discourses", does not really give away much, either about the choice of topics—time, after all, being a dimension of everything and modal notions being ubiquitous in reasoning, communication, and the study of theseâ€or about the choice to investigate "legal discourses" rather than, say, "law", or "laws", or "legal texts", or even "legal discourse". Read more<>
Deontic contexts and the interpretation of disjunction in legal discourse <>
Martin Aher
pp. 13-42 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0006


This study investigates the interpretation of or in legal texts, focusing on two puzzles: "inclusive/exclusive" or and "free choice permission". Read more<>

Cette étude porte sur l'interprétation de or ('ou') dans les textes juridiques et se concentre sur deux questions : or «inclusif/exclusif» et or «autorisation de libre choix».  Lisez plus<Read%20more>
Some linguistic properties of legal notices <>
Nicholas Allott, Benjamin Shaer
pp. 43-62 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0008

In this article, we consider legal notices of various forms, including imperative, indicative, and non-sentential. We argue that these convey various illocutionary forces depending on their particular content. Read more<>

Dans cet article, nous considérons une variété d'annonces juridiques dont des formulations à l'impératif, à l'affirmatif et non sentencielles. Nous affirmons que ces formulations comportent diverses forces illocutionnaires selon leur contenu spécifique. Lisez plus<>
"Always speaking"?: Interpreting the present tense in statutes <>
Neal Goldfarb
pp. 63-83 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0010

This article takes a critical look through the lens of linguistics at the "always speaking" principle in law—an influential principle that is recited in materials on legislative drafting as the justification for using the present tense, adopted in many common-law jurisdictions as a principle of interpretation, and accepted as a foundation for the linguistic analysis of the use of tense in statutes. Read more<>

Cet article étudie dans une perspective linguistique le principe de l'«énonciation continuelle» tel qu'utilisé en droit. Il s'agit d'un principe qui, dans les textes traitant de rédaction législative, est invoqué pour justifier l'emploi du temps présent, qui a été adopté comme principe d'interprétation dans le droit commun de bien des pays ou territoires et qui a été accepté comme base de l'analyse linguistique de l'emploi des temps dans les lois. Lisez plus<>
Temporal modifiers and the Rogers—Aliant dispute <>
E. Graham Katz, Benjamin Shaer
pp. 85-103 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0001

In this article, we discuss a recent dispute between two Canadian companies, Rogers and Aliant, which went before the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Read more<>
Is legal English "going European"?: The case of the simple present <>
Christopher Williams
pp. 105-126 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0002

In many countries in continental Europe the simple present is extensively used in main clauses in legislative texts to express obligation. Read more<>

Dans bien des pays de l'Europe continentale le présent simple est abondamment utilisé dans les propositions principales de textes législatifs pour exprimer l'obligation. Lisez plus<>
Reviews / Comptes Rendus
Coordination in syntax by Niina Ning Zhang (review) <>
Anna Bondaruk
pp. 127-130 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0003
nłeʔképmxcín: Thompson River Salish speech by Steven M. Egesdal, M. Terry Thompson, and Mandy N. Jimmie (review) <>
Karsten Koch

pp. 130-133 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0005

Complex Predicates: The syntax-morphology interface by Leila Lomashvili (review) <>
Anna Malicka-Kleparska
pp. 133-137 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0007
Anaphora and language design by Eric Reuland (review) <>
Francesco-Alessio Ursini
pp. 137-140 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0009
The sociolinguistics of globalization by Jan Blommaert (review) <>
Zhiying Xin<>
pp. 140-143 | DOI: 10.1353/cjl.2013.0000
The Canadian Journal of Linguistics publishes articles of original research in linguistics in both English and French. The articles deal with linguistic theory, linguistic description of English, French and a variety of other natural languages, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, first and second language acquisition, and other areas of interest to linguists.

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