EUROSLA 24: call for papers

Danijela Trenkic d.trenkic.96 at
Fri Nov 29 18:27:48 UTC 2013

EUROSLA 24 – Call for papers

The Centre for Language Learning Research in the Department of Education,
University of York, is pleased to announce that it will host EUROSLA 24,
the 24th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association.
You are kindly invited to submit abstracts for papers, posters, thematic
colloquia and doctoral workshops on any domain and subdomain of second
language research.

The Conference will start in the morning of 4 September 2014 and close at
lunchtime on 6 September 2014. Preceding the Conference, there will be a
doctoral workshop and a Language Learning roundtable, both on 3 September.
The theme of this year’s roundtable is ’Language learning theory and
practice: Bridging the gap’.

Plenary speakers

François Grosjean, University of Neuchâtel
Leah Roberts, University of York
Natasha Tokowicz, University of Pittsburgh
Sharon Unsworth, Radboud University Nijmegen

Key dates

28 February 2014: abstract submission deadline
25 April 2014: notification of acceptance
28 April 2014: early bird registration starts
15 June 2014: registration closes for presenters
25 June 2014: early bird registration closes
26 June 2014: full fee registration starts
3 September 2014: doctoral workshop and roundtable
4-6 September 2014: conference

Abstract submission policy

Each author may submit no more than one single-authored and one
co-authored (i.e. not first-authored) abstract to be considered for oral
presentations, including colloquia and doctoral workshops. More than one
abstract can be submitted for poster presentations. Paper and poster
proposals should not have been previously published. All submissions will
be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee and evaluated in terms
of rigour, clarity and significance of the contribution, as well as its
relevance to second language research. Abstracts should not exceed 450
words (excluding the title, but including optional references).

Individual papers and posters

Papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for
Poster sessions will be held in two 90-minute slots. In order to foster
interaction, all other sessions will be suspended during the poster

Thematic colloquia

The Thematic colloquia will be organised in two-hour slots running in
parallel with other sessions. Each colloquium will focus on one specific
topic, and will bring together key contributions to the topic. Colloquium
convenors should allocate time for opening and closing remarks, individual
papers, discussants (if included) and general discussion.

Doctoral student workshop

The doctoral student workshop is intended to serve as a platform for
discussion of ongoing PhD research within any aspect of second language
research. PhD students are invited to submit an abstract for a
10-15-minute presentation. The abstract and the presentation should
include one or two questions on which the student would like to receive
audience feedback (e.g. data collection, analysis, theoretical or
methodological issues), and sufficient background information for framing
the questions. These sessions are not intended as opportunities to present
research results, but to discuss future directions. Students whose
abstracts are accepted will then be required to send their paper to a
discussant (a senior researcher). The discussant will lead a 10-15-minute
feedback/discussion session on their work.

Student stipends

As in previous years, several student stipends will be available for
doctoral students.
If you wish to apply, please send the following information to
eurosla24 at before 28 February 2014:

1. Name, institution, and address of institution;
2. Curriculum vitae (attached);
3. Official confirmation of a PhD student status;
4. Statement (email) from supervisor or head of Department that the
applicant’s institution cannot (fully) cover the conference-related

Publication of papers

A selection of papers presented at EUROSLA 2014 will be published in the
EUROSLA 24 Yearbook following a peer-review process. There is an annual
prize for the best EUROSLA Yearbook article. This includes a framed
certificate presented at the EUROSLA General Assembly, a fee waiver for
the following EUROSLA conference and conference dinner, and free EUROSLA
membership for a year.

To submit an abstract please visit

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