Teaching English in Africa: Query

john john at research.haifa.ac.il
Thu Oct 24 05:01:18 UTC 2013


I don't know about teaching in English in particular but if she's
interested in Central 

Africa I know people in South Sudan who I'm sure
could look for something for her. 


On 23.10.2013 22:49, s.t.
Bischoff wrote: 

> Hello,
> I have a student that will be finishing
her undergraduate studies in
> December and that is interested in
teaching English in Africa (she is
> primarily interested in Central
African countries but is open to other
> possibilities). She has
traveled and volunteered in Ghana in the past. She
> is doing the usual
online searches for opportunities, but I was wondering
> if there was
anyone on the list that might have first hand knowledge of
> such
> Thank you,
> Shannon


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