Syntax position (Assistant Professor) Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, Indiana Univ. Bloomington

Clements, Joseph Clancy clements at
Fri Sep 13 20:17:57 UTC 2013

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Indiana University Bloomington announces a search for a full-time tenure-track position for an Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics with specialization in Syntax, beginning in August 2014. Duties include maintaining an active research program and teaching and mentoring at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Candidates should hold the PhD in Hispanic linguistics or a related field by the starting date. The Department particularly values candidates whose work engages with multi-disciplinary and cross-component research and connects methodologically rigorous empirical insights, such as from corpora or experimental research, to significant theoretical questions. Teaching responsibilities include but are not limited to courses in Hispanic linguistics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Evidence of excellent research potential and effective teaching required. Native or near-native proficiency in Spanish is expected. IU-Bloomington has a strong tradition and vibrant program in Hispanic Linguistics with an active body of faculty and students. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their application at  <>. Application consists of letter of interest, C.V., three confidential letters of recommendation, graduate transcripts and up to three representative samples of published or unpublished work. Questions regarding the position or application process can be directed to Prof. Manuel Diaz-Campos, Chair of Search and Screen Committee via e-mail to <mdiazcam at> or via USPS at 1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue, Ballantine Hall 844, Bloomington, IN  47405. Applications received by November 1, 2013 will be given full consideration. Indiana University is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer.

J. Clancy Clements, Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Linguistics
MM322, IUB, 1021 E. Third St.
Bloomington, IN  47405
Tel: (812)855-6456

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