Access a double special issue from Language and Cognition

Katie Smith kesmith at
Tue Apr 1 09:22:43 UTC 2014

Access a double special issue from Language and Cognition

As part of the continuing growth and diversification of Language and 
Cognition, this special double issue focuses on the evolution of language. 

The issue features a target article by Professor Michael Arbib on how the 
brain evolved language followed by 12 commentaries from experts in 
anthropology, apraxia, archeology, linguistics, neuroanatomy, 
neuroimaging, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, primatology, sign language 
emergence and sign language neurolinguistics.
The issue concludes with a response from Professor Arbib entitled 'Complex 
imitation and the language-ready brain'.
Access the entire special issue without charge until 1st June 2014:
Katie Smith
Marketing Executive - Journals
Cambridge University Press

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